The Nevada Department of Transportation acquired approximately $32 million in additional federal highway spending authority which has been made available for state road projects through the Federal Highway Administration fiscal year-end redistribution of funds.
The added federal spending authority helps preserve state transportation funds, making them available for other statewide road projects, NDOT said in its announcement this week.
Known as August Redistribution, the Federal Highway Administration annually reassigns transportation funding authority from states unable to utilize the full amount of funding originally authorized to them, as well as from federal transportation grant and loan programs that were underutilized in the current fiscal year.
The funds are then redistributed to states demonstrating projects which are ready to go and meet all federal funding requirements.
To qualify, NDOT demonstrated that it will fully utilize federal transportation funds authorized to Nevada in fiscal year 2018, as well as demonstrated current projects which fit all requirements for receiving additional federal funding redistribution.
In the last 15 years, NDOT has been able to secure more than $219 million in additional obligation authority and funds for use on vital Nevada transportation projects.
“Our priority at NDOT is to provide a transportation system that keeps Nevada safe and connected and provide it through the most efficient and responsible use of taxpayer funds,” said NDOT Director Rudy Malfabon. “This is a testament to our financial management staff’s hard work to ensure we utilize all available funding for important transportation projects. We continue putting more federal dollars to work here in Nevada.”
Information on major NDOT road projects is available at nevadadot.com. All planned state and regional road projects are available for viewing at estip.nevadadot.com