The Nevada Highway Patrol is joining other state law enforcement agencies to emphasize the importance of safe and sober driving as the Labor Day holiday weekend arrives.
Through Monday, Sept. 10, NHP will dedicate extra troopers to DUI enforcement as part of a statewide Joining Forces campaign aimed at reducing tragedies caused by people driving under the influence, the NHP said in an announcement Aug. 24.
“Impaired driving not only puts your life and the lives of others in danger, the cost of driving under the influence is extremely high,” the NHP said in a statement. “The average estimated cost of a DUI when legal fees, court fines and higher insurance rates are considered is over $10,000.”
The effort began earlier this week. Funding for the extra patrols needed for this campaign is made possible by a Joining Forces grant received from the Nevada Department of Public Safety/Office of Traffic Safety.
Joining Forces is a multi-jurisdictional law enforcement program aimed at reducing injuries and crashes through statewide enforcement in the areas of DUI, speed, distracted driving, seat belt and pedestrian safety.
The goal of these enforcement campaigns is to save lives by increasing public awareness about the dangers of making poor choices while driving.
For more information on Joining Forces and other statewide Traffic Safety Programs, go to