The Pahrump Valley Museum and Historical Society has announced its next group of speakers for its year-long lecture series.
On July 11, former Pahrump Town Board member Dr. Tom Waters will discuss a traveling exhibit that will be on display from July 4-18, “Always Lost: A Meditation on War.” The exhibition brings home the personal and collective costs of war through original poetry by Nevada writers, the 2004 Pulitzer Prize-winning Iraq War combat photograph collection courtesy of The Dallas Morning News; and the Wall of the Dead, faces and names of U.S. military war casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan since Sept. 11, 2001.
On Aug. 8, former chief scientist of the Yucca Mountaion project, Dr. Michael Voegele, will discuss the geological history of the Pahrump Valley. Voegele is a 30-year resident of Southern Nevada.
Life-long Nevada resident and newspaper columnist John L. Smith will be the guest speaker Sept. 12 giving his view of the Pahrump Valley history. Smith, whose column appears in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, and every Friday in the Pahrump Valley Times, has spent his career covering rural Nevada issues.
Smith has written many books on Nevada personalities, including “Quicksilver: The Ted Binion Murder Case” in 2001.
While no speaker has yet been booked for Oct. 10, Theresa Skye from the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge will be the speaker on Nov. 14. She will be speaking on the history of Ash Meadows, the trials of becoming a National Wildlife Refuge and the new visitor center.
The lectures are scheduled for 1 p.m. at the Pahrump Valley Museum and Historical Society located at 401 East Basin Ave., west of Highway 160. Admission is free.