Nye County is making is easier for area residents and others to gain the latest information on the new coronavirus that has been detected in over 100 countries, including the U.S. and Southern Nevada.
A new webpage is being added to Nye County’s existing website at nyecounty.net to keep residents up to date on COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, according a press release from the county on Monday. The webpage had not been established as of the time of this writing.
“Nye County is establishing a webpage on nyecounty.net, which will centralize all available updates and releases from the county and other agencies when appropriate,” the release stated. “Nye County Administration and Emergency Management is aware of the public concern and is working diligently to obtain and be proactive in providing the latest information to everyone.”
The establishment of the webpage comes amid the announcement of two presumptive positive cases in neighboring Clark County and two in Washoe County in Northern Nevada.
The Nye County Department of Emergency Management is monitoring the developing situation in the state and across the U.S., according to its release.
“Emergency Management maintains regular contact with state and local public safety and health officials,” the release stated. “The county has also reached out to its various departments, elected officials, and communities throughout the county to share information.”
Southern Nevada cases
The first Southern Nevada case was a male in his 50s, reported in early March. According to the Southern Nevada Health District, the patient is presumptively positive and remains hospitalized in serious condition.
The second patient in Southern Nevada is a woman in her 70s, who is also presumptive positive and is currently hospitalized and in isolation, according to the health district. In a Monday release from the health district, the agency stated two adults who were identified as close contacts are being asked to self-quarantine for 14 days.
“The patient is reporting in-state travel prior to developing symptoms,” the health district’s statement said. “The Health District is working with its health care partners on this ongoing investigation.”
According to the health district’s release on Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that commercial laboratory testing for COVID-19 will soon be available.
“Positive test results do get reported to the Health District; once a report is received, the agency’s investigation process begins,” the release stated.
The Southern Nevada Health District also has prevention tips in its release—citing hand washing as part of its statement.
“Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds,” the health district’s statement said. “If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.”
The health district also said in its statement to avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, avoid people who are sick, to cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue and to clean and disinfect touched objects and surfaces frequently.
COVID-19 global
Globally, the number of people infected crossed over 100,000 this weekend with a recent report from the World Health Organization showing that the number of global cases was over 109,000. The WHO also reported 3,809 deaths in its report across the globe.
According to the CDC, the number of U.S. deaths due to COVID-19 was 25 as of Tuesday with a total of 647 total cases.
The CDC’s Tuesday report also shows that 36 jurisdictions in the U.S. are reporting cases, including the District of Columbia. The states with the highest number of cases was California (135), Washington state (162) and New York (142). The data includes presumptive and positive cases.
The CDC also has a page to keep people up to date on how COVID-19 is affecting the U.S. Head to https://bit.ly/2TDhxRy
Contact Pahrump Valley Times Interim Editor Jeffrey Meehan at jmeehan@pvtimes.com On Twitter @pvtimes