BEATTY — An old saying goes, “It is an ill wind that blows no good.” Perhaps the same can be said about damaging rainstorms.
Last October heavy rains caused powerful flash floods that closed roads and highways in Nye County and in Death Valley, caused a fire in a low-level nuclear waste site near Beatty and did enough damage at Scotty’s Castle that it is closed indefinitely.
Those same rains, however, provided moisture that contributed to the “super bloom” that is bringing tourists from all over the world to see the flowers in Death Valley.
Business has been booming for motels, hotels, restaurants and gas stations in the area. Visitors have been forced to find rooms as far away as Ridgecrest because everything closer has been booked solid.
Some restaurants in Beatty have found themselves running out of food and having to make multiple emergency runs to Las Vegas for supplies.
Solid strings of headlights can be seen coming into Beatty in the evening from Death Valley and roads in the valley are sometimes as busy as city streets.
It may only last a short time, but the economic boost is much appreciated by local business people, who are grateful for “flower power.”