![Jeffrey Meehan/Pahrump Valley Times Pahrump Valley Times General Manager Lisa Andresen, front a ...](https://pvtimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/12009080_web1_Phone-Book-4.jpg?w=1050)
There’s a brand new book hot off the presses, and you may personally know some of the characters printed within.
The publication is the 2019 Pahrump Rural Phone Book.
The books, according to Pahrump Valley Times General Manager Lisa Andresen, are printed by a company out of Las Vegas.
“This year we ordered 22,000 Pahrump Rural Phone Books,” Andresen said. “I am thinking that we may have to increase that next year as our population is growing. The phone books are delivered to each home and business throughout Pahrump and are also delivered to businesses and post offices in the surrounding communities of Beatty, Amargosa Valley, and Shoshone.”
The deliveries, Andresen noted, were finished up on Saturday, March 9, thus most area residents should have since received a copy.
“If by chance a household was missed, the books are available at our 1570 E. Highway 372 office for pickup,” she said.
Once in hand, area residents will notice all of the work required to produce the publication.
“After many hours invested, the cover design and layout of the Pahrump Rural Phone Book was created by Pahrump Valley Times Lead Graphic Artist, Heather Ruth, while the white page section of listings is maintained annually by the Pahrump Valley Times Front Office Manager, Charlotte Uyeno.”
Along with work from the PV Times graphic artists, additional PV Times staff members also contributed their respective talents into its creation.
Practice makes perfect
Andresen noted that though publishing an annual phone book is quite an extensive ordeal, the processes involved, seem to flow easier each year.
“It all starts with the amazing sales team here of Wilma Thompson, Gail Smith, and Racheal Walker,” she said. “The sales team is eager to help you out with all of your advertising options,” she said. “After a sale has been made, the paperwork involved makes it to my office to process the sales invoice and log the information on the payment and proof tracking spreadsheets.”
The assembly line
Following that process, the paperwork goes directly to the production department where the front office manager and graphic artists do their magic of creating proofs for each advertiser to sign off on, or make any necessary changes.
“After the sales deadline and all of the advertisers have approved their proofs, once again, the production department starts laying out the book for print,” Andresen said. “When that is completed, our sales team and copy editor do a final proofing of the pages. Once they are finished, with our final proofing, it is off to the printers.”
Once the books are completed, they are placed on pallets, for prompt delivery to residences and business throughout the Pahrump Valley by contracted drivers.
Promote your business
Advertising sales for the 2020 phone books are scheduled to begin on June 3, 2019, ending on Sept. 19, 2019.
“Those wanting to purchase space may contact any one of our three knowledgeable advertising representatives and they will gladly go over all of the options available to them,” Andresen said. “We purchase the reproduction rights from AT&T for the white page listings each year, however, those wishing to opt-out, or if they are not included, can contact us and we will make note of it for the 2020 book. There is also a street map toward the front of the book with an index.”
Contact reporter Selwyn Harris at sharris@pvtimes.com, on Twitter: @pvtimes