At 10 a.m. on a bright and sunny Saturday morning, a line of vehicles started forming at the NyE Communities Coalition and suddenly it was go-time for the dozens of volunteers on hand for this year’s Community Easter Curbside Pick-up Event.
Quickly jumping into action, they directed the cars through the event, handed out goodie bags packed with informational materials, delivered pre-packaged meals and handfuls of tasty Easter candy to awaiting families and even gave away free snow cones, all in an effort to provide the community with a memorable Easter occasion.
Overseeing the activity that morning, with a smile of delight and satisfaction, was Pahrump Holiday Task Force Chair Linda Wright. “Everything is running like a well-oiled machine!” she said with enthusiasm as the event was underway and after all was said and done, the 2021 Community Easter event was declared an incredible triumph.
The event was hosted by the Pahrump Holiday Task Force with the help of the Pahrump Disability Outreach Program, more commonly known as PDOP, on Saturday, April 3, the day before Easter and Wright said she was more than happy with the way things turned out.
“The Easter Curbside Pick-up event was a huge success!” Wright raved following the event. “We teamed up with PDOP again as we have in past years. The weather was picture-perfect. We had friendly and energetic volunteers who were eager to pass out meals and goodie bags. The PDOP kids had fun handing out snow cones and Easter candy. The Easter Bunny was hopping around and posing for photos with the kids as they came by. We handed out goodie bags with information from our local organizations in town.”
Wright explained that these informational goodie bags were created as an “outside-the-box” way to help the organizations that, in normal years, would have been able to set up booths and talk to event attendees about the services and resources each can provide. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic still disrupting the events scene, the traditional in-the-park Easter picnic simply could not be held, but event organizers were determined to include the usual organizations in some form, so the goodie bags were the way to go.
In addition to the brochures and pamphlets handed out, the Community Easter Curbside Pick-up Event included free meals for all attendees. Wright detailed that there were a total of 800 to-go meals served at this year’s Community Easter event, adding, “The menu, chicken leg and thigh quarters with baked beans, a barbecued baked potato and a cookie, had just the right items for a picnic!”
The Community Easter event was a large undertaking and it could not have come through with such success without the support of the many organizations, businesses and individuals that lent a hand. As always, Wright was effusive with her gratitude, offering her thanks to all involved.
“We want to thank our sponsors, Nathan Adelson Hospice, Carl’s Jr., Carmelo’s Bistro, Burger King, the Rotary Club, Sonic, the NyE Communities Coalition, Domino’s Pizza, Nye County Commissioner Leo Blundo, Health and Human Services, the Women, Infants and Children, or WIC, program, Signs Express, the Pahrump Nugget Bowling Center and Taco Bell,” Wright said.
“We also want to say a big thank-you to our BBQ crew, which did an awesome job! Thank you Jason and team! And thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who came our to make this event a success. A special thank-you to our youngest volunteer, Raymond Jr., who is three years old! He helped stuff goodie bags and stack bean cups,” Wright continued.
She noted that the presence of the youngest volunteer just goes to show that volunteers come in all forms and anyone, regardless of age, ability or disability, can help make a difference.
“Thank you to PDOP for teaming up with us once again to make this Community Easter event special for our entire community. And last but certainly not least, thank you to our wonderful Easter Bunny, who entertained everyone who came our for our curbside Easter event,” Wright concluded. “We’re looking forward to seeing everyone next year in the park!”
Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at rhebrock@pvtimes.com