Pahrump’s women encouraged to apply for Live Your Dream scholarship

Special to the Pahrump Valley Times The Soroptimist International Live Your Dream Awards progra ...

“Improving the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world.”

For Soroptimist International, it’s not just a catch phrase, it’s a mission, the sole purpose behind the nonprofit organization, and one of the best ways to meet that mission head-on is by providing opportunities that allow women and girls to advance their education. Soroptimist International believes that education is the pathway to economic empowerment and that is exactly why the organization offers its Live Your Dream Awards scholarship program.

“The Live Your Dream Awards program is a unique education grant for women who provide primary financial support to their families,” the Soroptimist website details. “Live Your Dream Awards give women the resources they need to improve their education, skills and employment prospects.

“When women learn, families live healthier lives,” the Soroptimist website go on the state. “When girls go to school, they are more likely to get paying jobs and their financial contributions to their families, and their nations, increase. When girls have educated moms, they are more likely to be enrolled in school and to reach higher levels of education. When women are educated, their countries are more likely to have greater economic growth.”

Each year, more than $2.6 million in these education grants are awarded to approximately 1,700 women all around the world, including one lucky lady right here in the Pahrump Valley.

“Soroptimist International of Pahrump Valley once again is offering the Live Your Dream Scholarship program to women in Pahrump who qualify,” a news release from the local Soroptimist group read. “If you are a woman with primary financial responsibility for yourself and your dependents, are attending an undergraduate degree program or a vocational skills training program and have a financial need, this program is for you.”

Award recipients can use the scholarship grant for a variety of purposes, so long as the ultimate goal is to advance their education. For example, a recipient could put the funds toward the purchase of books or use it to pay tuition costs. Other uses include paying for child care so the recipient can attend class, or for transportation to get to and from school.

“As an organization focused on the advancement and support of women, we are proud to be able to offer this award to a woman in need in our community. We will choose one candidate out of all applications received,” Soroptimist International of Pahrump Valley member Cecilia Thomas, who is chair of the Live Your Dream program committee this year, explained for the Times. “However, if other clubs in our district have a need for a recipient, we may be able to send an additional one or two applications to other clubs. We won’t know that until the deadline though.”

Thomas noted that the funding for this program comes through fundraisers which, for 2020, had been quite successful prior to the pandemic. “In the past, we have done a $500 scholarship. This year, having done so well on our many fundraisers, we are offering one $1,000 award,” Thomas said.

Anyone interested in applying for this scholarship grant or those with questions about the program can call Thomas at 775-910-9521 or email her at

Additional information and applications can be found online at

The deadline to submit an application is Sunday, Nov. 15.

Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at

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