PHOTOS: Dumpster-diving burros causing trash problem

Richard Stephens/Special to the Pahrump Valley Times Although Beatty residents and tourists en ...

Years ago, Beatty residents were relieved and happy when Beatty Disposal, part of C and S Waste Solutions, installed garbage dumpsters for its customers. This solved an annoying problem caused by the town’s wild burro population.

Previously, folks had used various sorts of barrels to hold their garbage and the burros would get into them, usually by knocking them over, pulling out the garbage and scattering it everywhere. (As they still do with the trash barrels at the Beatty Rebel station.) Nothing, not even well-fitting lids, would deter them.

Those lucky enough to have one of those original dumpsters have no problem with burro dumpster divers. This is not true, however, for those with newer dumpsters.

The difference is that the older dumpsters have heavy metal lids, while the newer ones have lightweight plastic lids which the burros have learned to flip open.

To help secure the lids, the disposal company makes a security bar available, which customers may purchase for their dumpsters at a cost of $243.96.

At least one customer has modified a dumpster by attaching a length of angle iron on the front of a dumpster to keep the burros from getting their snouts under the lip of the lid.

The visual impact of burro dumpster diving is not confined to the area immediately around the dumpsters. The garbage they leave on the ground is often scattered far and wide all over town by the wind.

After being made aware of the problem, Tina Rieger, of C and S Disposal, worked with a team to find a solution.

“I’m happy to share,” said Rieger in an email, “that my team has developed a long-term solution and has found a source for metal dumpster lids. We’ve place an order for metal bin lids, and once they arrive, we’ll begin swapping out the bins in the areas most affected first.”

Meanwhile, the BLM, which is in charge of herd management, is planning a gather to remove some of the animals.

Past gathers have removed 400-500 burros, and are limited by the capacity of the BLM’s holding facilities. The population has long far exceeded management goals, and the BLM population survey of the Bullfrog Management Area conducted in 2024 counted 1015 burros.

At its March 10 meeting, the Beatty Town Advisory Board approved a set of comments it is sending to the BLM regarding the problem of burro over-population and the BLM’s herd management plans.

While making some specific suggestions, including more frequent monitoring of herd population and an adjustment in the proposed male-female ration, the board supported the idea of gathers and of the proposed use of fertility control to slow the growth of the herd.

The board commented that, “In general, Beatty residents do not support the use of helicopters for the purpose of gathering burros,” and pointed out that the bait and trap method has historically captured enough burros, sometimes more than the gather called for.

Resident Debbie Baker quipped that all they’d have to do to catch the burros is to be there when tourists stop and roll down their car windows.

Richard Stephens is a free-lance reporter living in Beatty.

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