Republicans honor long-time member with re-named award

The Nye County Republican Central Committee honored long-time party-member Alice Rhea by re-naming an award in her honor at their monthly meeting on Saturday.

A motion was brought before the membership by Chairman Bill Carns to rename the Nye County Republican Principles Award to the Alice Rhea Republican Principles Award. The motion passed unanimously, in honor and memory of Rhea, who passed away on Dec. 1.

A second measure passed unanimously, brought by Vice-Chairman Andy Alberti, to request that both members of the Assembly and Senate submit draft bills for the committee’s review prior to their submission to the legislature for passage. “We would be a better informed central committee if we could provide input on the drafts,” Alberti said.

A discussion ensued regarding the payment of committee expenses as proposed in a draft resolution, which failed. The resolution, at Carns’ suggestion, was referred back to the by-laws committee to be re-drafted after a review of annual expenses over the past several years.

The proposed resolution contained conflicting clauses regarding the payment of expenses exceeding $100. One member opined that if the resolution was passed, business would come “to a screeching halt.”

Appropriate information regarding prior expenses will be obtained and the measure reintroduced, Carns said.

A request came from the floor that committee meetings be reduced to once every two months instead of monthly. Carns explained that one of the ways that the request could be presented is with a by-laws amendment. No action was taken on the issue.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Nye County Republican Central Committee will be on Jan. 17 at 10 a.m.

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