Area residents needing various information about filing Social Security claims have an ally via Pahrump’s Advance Resource Method Solutions, or ARMS.
This month the agency has teamed up with Las Vegas’ Professional Advocates Inc., for a Social Security Disability seminar on Friday from 10 a.m. to noon at NyE Communities Coalition’s 1020 E. Wilson Road Road location.
ARMS founder Ginger Stumne said representatives will answer any questions regarding Social Security disability claims.
The seminar is free and open to the public.
“Because so many people have questions, they have to attend this seminar,” she said. “At the end, we will have people to book the appointments in the ARMS office. Noel Anschultz is the professional disability representative in Las Vegas and she will be out here again on May 18. You have to go to the April 29 seminar to get your appointment booked.”
Stumne’s goal is getting residents connected to any and all resources available to area residents.
She reached out to Anschultz, urging the Pahrump visit.
From the first visit, close to 40 residents were able to get questions answered.
“We are a resource connection and people come to me and ask me what we can do,” Stumne said. “Out of 37 people, 18 Pahrump residents are now getting their claims filed. Two of them went through the appeals process, as well as the hearing and got approved within the last month. A lot of the people just had questions because they were not familiar with the process and how it all worked.”
Stumne said several associates from Las Vegas will also be present to assist Anschultz on Friday.
Additional visits throughout the year are also planned.
“Right now we are looking at her coming out once every couple of months, but if the need arises and it needs to be once a month, then we can do that,” she said. “For this Friday, people don’t need to take anything to the seminar because it’s more of an informational type meeting. She will do a presentation and slideshow on how it works and explain the process.”
Advanced Resource Method Solutions is located at 2340 E. Calvada Blvd., Suite #8.
For additional information, call Stumne at 775-910-3451.
She can be contacted via email at Ginger@pahrumparms.org. Office hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
““If someone calls and there is no answer, they need to leave a message because I won’t call back numbers where messages are not left,” she said.
Contact reporter Selwyn Harris at sharris@pvtimes.com. On Twitter: @pvtimes