VETrans, a free veteran transportation program in Pahrump, could expand to Beatty and Amargosa Valley, but that would depend on demand, officials said.
Albert Bass, Southern Nevada Rural Counties mobility manager said VETrans wants to dedicate a few days per month to serving veterans in Amargosa Valley and Beatty.
“The VETrans program is interested in expanding its operating territory into the towns of Amargosa and Beatty. Recently, VETrans staff have been to these areas to speak to town leaders and vets about the program,” Bass said.
Currently, the VETrans program serves just over 50 veterans in Pahrump, Bass said. If it expands north, the bus will pick up veterans in the morning in Beatty, travel through Amargosa Valley and bring them to their appointments in Pahrump.
The VETrans program has had inquiries to provide transportation into the Las Vegas area for medical appointments for veterans, Bass said. The program does not currently offer rides to Las Vegas but organizers hope to do it in the future.
NyE Communities Coalition began operating VETrans in June 2016, thanks to the Nevada Department of Veterans Services grant. The program provides free rides for veterans, their spouses and attendants for their medical or pharmaceutical appointments.
The Nevada Department of Veterans Services allows for $50,000 annually to be used for the complete operation of the program. NyE Communities Coalition has been approved for the second year of funding. Nye County commissioners approved donating one of the four buses that were donated to the county for the purposes of public transportation early last year to be used for the veterans’ transportation program.
Veterans who need a ride should call the VETrans hotline at 775-572-VETS or 775-572-8387 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday to schedule their ride. Trips must be scheduled with a minimum of 24 hours advance notice. All rides are scheduled on a first-call, first-served basis.
Veterans in Amargosa Valley and Beatty who are interested in this transportation program should contact their local town board for more information or call at 775-537-2795 for more information.
Contact reporter Daria Sokolova at On Twitter: @dariasokolova77