The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #10054 is a major hub of activity in the Pahrump Valley, much of which is focused solely on supporting former military members in the community. The organization operates a variety of valuable programs, one of which is its Veterans Food Bank.
This particular program is currently in need of a boost from area residents and anyone who can assist with food donations is encouraged to lend a hand so the VFW can continue to make the greatest impact possible.
“The food bank is working to help veterans in need every week,” VFW Post #10054 Commander Steven Kennard detailed this month. “Our volunteers are working diligently and providing these much-needed services. With that being said, the amount of people using this service has doubled over the last few weeks.”
This comes as no surprise at a time when inflation has been hitting hard and putting a strain upon the budgets of people all across the country. It is no different for veterans and their families but the VFW’s mission is to ensure that those who have given their service to the country do not go hungry during such trying circumstances.
To that end, the post is urging community members to step up and give back to the valley’s veterans by providing much-needed items.
“We need some items as the food bank passed out more and more food bags to the veterans and their families,” Kennard said. “Food donations can be dropped off at the post from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. seven day a week.”
The VFW Veterans Food Bank is primarily made up of nonperishable items. Examples of groceries that the post would like include boxed macaroni and cheese, Hamburger Helper and Tuna Helper, as well as canned fruit, Rice-A-Roni, baked beans and instant potatoes. Canned meats such as Vienna sausages, Spam and canned chicken breast are very helpful as well and the food bank also accepts eggs.
“Thank you for your time and all those donations. Without them, we cannot continue this amazing work,” Kennard stated.
For more information on the local VFW visit www.VFWPost10054.com or stop by the post at 4651 Homestead Road.
The Veterans Food Pantry is open each Wednesday from 10 a.m. to noon. Veterans will need to bring their veterans identification as well as state ID to sign up.
Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at rhebrock@pvtimes.com