A Pahrump woman who had called dispatchers to report a disturbance in her neighborhood was taken into custody by sheriff’s deputies after they arrived and said she stripped and exposed herself to drivers along a busy road.
Deputy responds
According to a Nye County Sheriff’s Office arrest report, it occurred late last month when Deputy Nicholas Huggins responded to a call from Deborah Pernice.
Communication breakdown
“Upon arrival, I contacted Deborah, whom I identified from prior law enforcement contacts,” Huggins stated in the arrest report. “Upon questioning Deborah, she stated that she had an emergency but could not advise what it was. Deborah was speaking incoherently and I could not understand what Deborah needed.”
Driveway display
The report went on to state that while Huggins was speaking to Pernice’s neighbor, Pernice reportedly walked down her driveway into the open front yard of the residence, where she removed her shirt and pants, exposing her bare breasts and genitals, while facing Gamebird Road where multiple members of the public were driving by.
Fallen and can’t get up
“I then placed Deborah in custody,” according to the report. “While escorting Deborah to my patrol car, she began to forcefully pull away from me. Deborah then dropped her weight and fell to the ground.”
The report noted that Huggins ordered Pernice to stand up on her own feet, and she allegedly refused. Pernice forces the deputy to physically lift her to a seated position, the report said.
Police escort
“Deborah then refused to voluntarily walk to the patrol car, forcing me carry her to the patrol car and place her in the back seat,” Huggins said in the report. “Based on the results of my investigation, Deborah violated Nevada Revised Statute 201.220, that being, indecent exposure by exposing her bare breasts and genitals to the members of the public driving along Gamebird Road.
Not going quietly
The report also stated that Pernice violated Nevada Revised Statute 199.280, for allegedly resisting arrest by attempting to pull away from Huggins while throwing herself onto the ground and refusing to stand or walk to the deputy’s patrol car.
Pernice was subsequently transported to Desert View Hospital where she was medically examined, cleared, and transported to the Nye County Detention Center without further incident.
Pernice’s bail was set at $4,000.
Contact reporter Selwyn Harris at sharris@pvtimes.com. On Twitter: @pvtimes