Letters to the editor

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

Damaged, stolen political signs irk Trump supporter

I rarely write a letter to the PVT but there’s a matter that I feel must be addressed. I am a supporter of Donald Trump and with others have posted many Trump campaign signs in Nye County. I’m sure most of you have noticed our work. As of the past week or so we’ve had a number of signs vandalized or stolen. Every morning we would find several signs missing but last Friday night, Oct. 11, most of our signs in Pahrump were destroyed.

Now you may dislike Trump and some, I suppose, hate Trump but I’ve always thought that the Democrats held sacred the right to free speech, particularly political speech. I ask you, have you noticed Trump signs lying on the ground or now missing? Do you nod your head in agreement? Have you seen signs being damaged and simply drive by? Do you smirk and think, good riddance? Have you heard small talk around town of someone doing this and are silently pleased?

Well, Dear Reader, you too are complicit. You too have forgotten principle and perhaps sold your soul. So I urge you to take the high road. The answer is more speech not less. So put up your Harris signs. I am fine with it.

The Nye County Sheriff’s Office has been notified.

Richard Bushart

‘None of these candidates’ not a good idea this year

Why? Because you already have the power to do what it says now. Granted, it takes a little more effort, you have to go to the county clerk’s office to change party affiliations that are quick and easy. Also there may be provisions to change party affiliations online or by mail.

When I came to Nevada over 20 years ago I registered as a Democrat because I lived Nevada’s “none of these candidates” on ballots and sarcastically hoped to see “none of these candidates” challenging the opposition in the general election. Very few politicians ever impressed me.

In the 2016 election with some time to vet the entire field of possible candidates, Ted Cruz, I hoped would become president so I changed affiliations to actually ”’vote” for someone rather than against someone or some system.

Of course we all know what happened and you can’t really live in the ‘what if’ or ‘if only’ world. Like a great number of people, I didn’t like Trump’s public persona and to some extent sometimes cringed but learned to laugh and ignore most of those times because as the saying goes, “actions speak louder than words” are true as ever.

So if you feel strongly enough “for or against” any candidate you have the freedom to do so now without affecting down-ballot candidates, because at that given time, you do lock yourself into that party affiliation, which could create some unintended consequences you didn’t intend.

David Jaronik

Gun owners must register to vote in upcoming election

The most important thing we can do is participate in this election.

Recent released data from the NRA’s American Hunter magazine and Vote4America states 10 million hunters and gun owners in the U.S. unfortunately are not registered to vote!

According to Statista Research, Republicans’ gun ownership is 66%, Democrat ownership is 48% and 42% of Independents personally own guns.

Republicans should contact each gun owner, because if they don’t address the political apathy among gun owners, especially in key swing states, they’ll have far fewer voters in their arsenal to score victories this November.

Some states with the most gun owners not yet registered to vote in the 2024 election include: Pennsylvania with 515,277 and roughly half a million each in Georgia, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Virginia and Wisconsin. The states with the fewest number of unregistered gun owners are Arizona with 133,000, and Montana with 52,233.

Right here in Nevada over 59,000 gun owners are not registered to vote. Let’s hope these gun owners wake up before the same amount or many more of the illegals begin to vote with the help of those that who orchestrated this invasion! This election may be our last chance! If all fellow gun owners and Republicans do not diligently address this problem, we likely will go the way of Canada’s disastrous buyback program recently extended another year. The target is not just scary looking ARs, but all semi-automatic rifles; Canada’s gun ban also outlaws buying, selling or transferring handguns. You readers are smart, there’s no need for me to point out what follows a failed gun ban!

Again, the most important thing we can do is participate in this election. Check out Vote4America as they do not have a party affiliation; they encourage people to register and vote! Vote4America are hunters, veterans, cops, moms, dads, friends and neighbors who do not want Americans to be silent.

Gene Fisher

(USN Retired)

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