Letters to the Editor

Why I will not (and can not) support Donald Trump

As a military veteran, I cannot (after in-depth consideration) support the 45th president, Donald Trump, to return as the 47th commander-in-chief of the United States military. This is not a political decision; it is a “Support the U.S. Constitution” and “Support the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)” issue. I encourage “support” of the active-duty military and all military veterans. I also include our first responders in that support.

Some readers of this letter will attempt to make this political.

Please don’t “assume” that I don’t like Trump supporters because I strongly believe everyone is entitled to their opinions and their vote. Some of my friends support Trump and some support Harris. My friendship is not based on political party. Whether your political party is Democrat, Republican, Independent, or anything else, you are entitled to your opinion. I took an oath of office to support and defend every person who calls the United States of America “our home.”

Now, let me get back to the facts and why I will not (and can not) support Donald Trump. 1. Donald did not serve in the military because of bone spurs. He (and his father) sought the exemption for him and he continues to disparage the military to this date. 2. John McCain (Vietnam veteran) was a prisoner of war (POW) but, by belittling John McCain, he also belittles the thousands of military POWs of our wars who suffered serious or unknown injuries. 3. While he was the 45th president standing at a military cemetery, he called the “fallen soldiers” losers and suckers, according to General John F. Kelly (USMC Ret). My younger brother Melvin (U.S. Army) was killed in Vietnam and I received a Purple Heart medal for injuries during the war but I don’t consider either of us to be losers or suckers for our service to the United States of America. 4. Donald Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance was vetted before being placed on the ticket with Trump. The vetting included a review of his tax returns for several years. Everyone was required to release their tax returns to reveal and avoid a conflict of interest. Everyone has done this except Donald Trump. 5. Every president (No. 1-No. 44) has adhered to the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) or its predecessors dating back to 1775. The UCMJ applies to all U.S. military personnel (officers and enlisted) whether on active duty, in the reserves, or in the National Guard. President #45 ignored guidelines put in place by General (and also President) George Washington. 5a. Several presidents have “pardoned” military personnel after they were found guilty by a military court. That is in line with Article 2, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution. However, no president until Trump interfered with the UCMJ proceedings before the military completed their findings. He chose to pardon military members without an obvious investigation because they stated that they supported him. This undermined the command authority throughout the military. This action by Trump was a first in U.S. military history. 5b. Donald Trump doesn’t know the military and is not willing to learn what military life is all about.

As an educator and as a veteran, I can explain to you that “ignorance” is merely “not knowing” something and you can be taught. However, “stupidity” is knowingly ignoring facts and procedures that work in militaries around the world. I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.

Bottom line: Just support the active duty military and our military veterans (and our first responders).

Dr. Tom Waters

Lt. Colonel, USAF (Ret.)

Seems simple, fix problems or empower socialism

You don’t have to be very smart to do things, get a driver’s license, have children, or even vote. And now our election cycle is in full swing this fall. This is a very serious thing because our country is in big, big trouble. The runaway inflation, massive border invasion, escalating crime wave, energy dependence, weak international relations, our Constitution, its amendments and the Bill of Rights are under question or ignored.

The Republican candidate is Donald Trump, a strong, rough-talking businessman with good negotiation skills. He is willing to dedicate his life and fortune to better the United States. The Democratic candidate is Kamala Harris, a wishy-washy unproven woman who has been campaigning with laughter and emotion. She has the persona of a rock star with a No. 1 hit.

You can ask Trump a question a question about how to fix some of our nation’s problems and he will give you direct answers. You ask Harris the same question and you get a word salad speech that sounds good but completely avoids the question. Even with a teleprompter she doesn’t have what it takes to be a world leader and chief of our military. She was overtaxed as a public defender in California.

You can vote Republican and fix our nation’s problems, and empower our citizens and restore our freedoms or vote Democratic and empower the existing government and its socialist tendencies.

Vern Jewett

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