Letters to the editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

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Senior unhappy with special hours at grocery store

I am very disappointed in Walmart. When they implemented hours for seniors, I was very happy.

I have COPD and do not go out much however, when I went to Walmart during the hours they specified for seniors, I got everything I needed except my eggs. The stocker wouldn’t let me have them. Seniors need eggs too. When I went back they were gone. I still don’t have my eggs!!!

Change your stocking to accommodate seniors. We can’t even get the meat we need.

That tells me that Walmart does not care about their seniors.

I still don’t have any eggs!

Linda Oliver

Reader irritated by some government regulations

For the first time in 16 years living here in Pahrump, I received a letter from my IRA holder company that I “must” respond with a written document that I am still alive and using my IRA as per federal regulations.

It’s not good enough for our newly elected governor and legislators that I cash my once-yearly mandatory withdraw every year. That’s not good enough to show I’m still in charge? Why? Because if I don’t send a letter to the company with my info and printed name and signature, my IRA becomes turned over to Nevada state as non-used.

Sounds like our elected are searching for even more money to feed their spending.

And you know, I have no intention of entering federal buildings or ever flying commercial airlines again. Why all the hoopla about digging up birth records 84 years ago and where I live. What does all of it have to do with my ability to drive safely as I have since I was 16 years old.

I have probably driven close to three-quarters of a million miles on my job and travel.

To me, airlines were more secure during the 50s, 60s and 70s when they were basically NO limitations as to what people take on board – well, almost.

The regulations I feel were prompted by TV shows and their portrayal of hijackings, etc.

Seems like if one had the credentials to carry a weapon legally it would make trips safer.

But that’s just my thoughts.

Henry Hurlbut

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