Muth: Top 10 reasons Trump should pick Newt for VP

Since “veep” talk for Donald Trump is all the rage this week, let me throw my two cents in: Newt Gingrich. Here are my Top Ten reasons why…

1.) Trump said he wants – and frankly needs – a political person who knows the congressional game as well as the players. As a former House Speaker, Newt fits that bill to a “t.”

2.) Newt has run for president himself and so is completely familiar with and experienced in being a national candidate. As such, he’s also already been “vetted” to the max.

3.) The traditional role of the running mate is “attack dog” against the opposition. Not that Trump needs any help in THAT department, but Gingrich would certainly make a great tag team partner on the campaign trail against “Crooked” and “Pocohantas.”

4.) Trump has the right instincts on a wide variety of issues, but Gingrich has thought them all the way through – and then some. You want specifics? Gingrich has ‘em. In spades.

5.) The liberal media can and will chew up and spit out GOP running mates who aren’t ready for prime time. Exhibit #1: Dan Quayle. Exhibit #2: Sarah Palin. That won’t happen with Gingrich.

6.) Newt has spent a lifetime in politics helping candidates up and down the ballot in every state, including Nevada. He also knows, understands and will assist conservative grassroots organizations, as well as state and county parties (something Gov. Sandoval has never done).

7.) He is a prolific fundraiser who has his own stable of GOP mega-donors who stand ready, willing and able to assist the former House Speaker and his running mate.

8.) He is an admirer of the tea party and has been openly supportive of the movement. He’s also familiar with the GOP establishment and the K-Street gang and can work with them.

9.) Mitt Romney – the leader of the #NeverTrump movement – would absolutely HATE it if Newt was on the ticket. That alone should be good enough.

10.) Should something happen to Trump, Newt is perfectly qualified and capable of stepping in and assuming the Oval Office. It’s macabre to even think about, but considering the assassination attempt on Trump in Las Vegas a couple weeks ago it’s something we have no choice but to bear in mind.

Here’s a bonus reason…

Donald Trump has famously said, “As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.”

Gingrich is a kindred spirit in that regard. He started thinking big way back in the early 1980s as a back-bench congressman from Georgia. He didn’t think only about his own re-election. He thought about the GOP taking the majority.

But he didn’t just think about it. He took action. And he did it.

Donald Trump likes winners. Gingrich is a winner. Trump-Gingrich ’16. A winning ticket.

Chuck Muth is president of Citizen Outreach and publisher of

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