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Letters to the editor

Trump can be bombastic, crude, and rude, at the same time feel very fortunate and proud to be fortunate enough to be part of this country that made it possible for him to make a fortune.

Letters to the editor

I want to thank the wonderful members of our community who braved the heat to come out and support the Nevada Silver Tappers’ USO Show.

The centrist model gets scrutiny

A great Nevada wire service reporter, Russ Nielsen, once told me that if a journalist is being attacked by both sides, it’s a sign the journalist is doing the job right. That’s a common view in my line of work, but I’ve always considered it flawed. For one thing, sometimes there are more than two sides and we are far too willing to project the two-party framework onto public policy generally.

Hickey: Conservatives need not apply

Nevada Assembly Minority Leader Pat Hickey (Reno-RINO) was a disaster as leader of his caucus in the 2013 legislative session primarily due to his hostility towards anything conservative, as well as his propensity to roll over and hope the Democrats would rub his widdle tummy every time a controversial bill or issue came up.

Selfies reveal effect of lifestyle change in 2013

About a year ago, we made some changes after deciding to become one of those families in which the dad goes off to work and the mom stays home and writes.

Godfathers of the Capitol

WASHINGTON — Remember the new spirit of cooperation in Washington? That’s so last week.

Sledgehammer justice

WASHINGTON — Federal Judge John Gleeson of the Eastern District of New York says documents called “statements of reasons” are an optional way for a judge to express “views that might be of interest.” The one he issued two months ago is still reverberating.

Tea Party has been GOP’s savior, not albatross

The Republican Empire, led by Lord McConnell and Darth Boehner, isn’t taking primary challenges by tea party insurgents lying down, and an all-out intra-GOP war is breaking out.

Being against is becoming a political value

U.S. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic floor leader, last week got some attention for praising his colleague Rand Paul of Kentucky, a symbol of libertarian conservatism.

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