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Letters to the editor

Trump can be bombastic, crude, and rude, at the same time feel very fortunate and proud to be fortunate enough to be part of this country that made it possible for him to make a fortune.

Letters to the editor

I want to thank the wonderful members of our community who braved the heat to come out and support the Nevada Silver Tappers’ USO Show.

Dennis Myers: GOP leaders are unlikely to act against Trump

In 1982, Nevada Republicans had an incumbent governor, Robert List, who was deeply unpopular, his competence and character widely doubted. No other major Republican challenged List in his re-election primary. If Democrats fielded any serious candidate, they would win. And they had a very good candidate.

Steve Sebelius: PERS secrecy bill loaded with issues

A bill to amend the state Public Records Law proposed by state Sen. Julia Ratti, D-Sparks, could end up making information about every government employee secret.

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