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Letters to the editor

Trump can be bombastic, crude, and rude, at the same time feel very fortunate and proud to be fortunate enough to be part of this country that made it possible for him to make a fortune.

Letters to the editor

I want to thank the wonderful members of our community who braved the heat to come out and support the Nevada Silver Tappers’ USO Show.

Victor Joecks: Question 5 would undermine election integrity

Question 5 would automatically add non-citizen voters onto Nevada voter rolls. That’s not speculation. It’s in the text of the initiative.

Letter to editor

Nevadan urges care when voting on Election Day

Tim Burke: Aftermath of Dennis Hof’s passing brings many questions

Dennis Hof turned the political landscape upside down by winning the Republican nomination for Assembly District 36. He did so with a large infusion of money, a boisterous personality, and by tapping into the “Trump effect” with an anti-tax platform that appealed to conservative voters.

Victor Joecks: 4 observations from Nevada early voting data

If you don’t believe the polls, believe the early voting data. Nevada has many tight races. Here are four observations from five days of early voting.

Jim Hartman addresses commercial marijuana: Time to ‘Just Say Know’

The “grand experiment” in legalizing recreational commercial marijuana gets a severely negative review from Bob Troyer, the current U.S. attorney in Colorado and an Obama administration “holdover.”

Experts share insights on Nevada’s legal brothels

In 1978 Hustler Magazine published a horrifying image of a woman being put through a meat grinder. That image was similar to an ad which recently ran in outlets across Nevada.

Victor Joecks: The paradox of Nevada’s Question 6

If everything Question 6 supporters say is true, there’s no need to vote for it. Question 6 is a constitutional amendment that would require that Nevada get 50 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2030. Nevada’s current renewable portfolio standard is 25 percent by 2025. As a constitutional amendment, voters would need to approve it in 2018 and 2020.

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