Beatty coach Ellice Dunsterville said Hornets track is off to a great start this season.
“We have a roster of 40 students, with 13 seniors returning and 15 new students,” she said. “Lorraine Gjefle and Richard Dunsterville are also back coaching too. We are all busy finding skills and abilities for my new tracksters and fine-tuning those returning in strong fields. We are hoping to have a broad field of participation in all events this year.”
The team was in Pahrump for a weekday meet on March 21 and will be there today for another meet in Pahrump.
The boys finished in third place out of four teams with 41 points and the girls team finished in fourth place (11 points) out of four teams.
“The weekday meets are a great way to have students try new or other events they might be interested in,” Dunsterville said.
For the boys Yadir Rodriguez took third in the 100-meter dash (12 seconds). A freshman long distance runner for Beatty, Jose Granados did well too, taking third in the 1,600 (4:53) and second in the 3,200 (10:43).
The Hornets boys 4×100 relay took second with 48 (Nahum Favela, Michael Olson, Rodriguez and Jake Ybarra).