The Pahrump Nugget hosted the July Pahrump Valley Tournament Bowling Club event held over the weekend, where Tom Bolling and Randy Breneman came away with division wins.
Eighty bowlers participated in the certified whoops singles event. They were split into two divisions, 38 bowlers in division A and 42 bowlers in division B.
The top 10 bowlers in each division received a portion of the prize money, depending on where they finished the tournament.
In the A division, Bolling finished in first place. He finished with a total score of 861 points.
Bolling had games of 206, 238 and 266, in addition to his handicap score of 151 pins. His score of 861 was the highest in the tournament.
In second place of the A division was Derek Correa.
Correa finished with game scores of 300, 219 and 197. On top of his game scores, Correa had a handicap score of 137, giving him a total score of 853 points.
Correa’s 300 was the only perfect game of the tournament.
The third-place finisher for the A division was Mike McNeley.
McNeley finished with games of 192, 235 and 233, to go along with his handicap score of 164, for a total score of 824 points.
The remaining bowlers who finished in cash positions were Mary Martinez, with a total score of 819; Doug Landers, with a total score of 818; Steve Boyce, with a total score of 805; Chris Mohl, with a total score of 791; Mark Hansen, with a total score of 790; Peggy Rhoads, with a total score of 784; and Rebekah Quinteros, with a total score of 772.
Martinez was able to finish in a prize-winning fourth place despite having a handicap score of just 94 points.
In the B division, Breneman finished in the top spot for the tournament. He ended the day with a total score of 835 points.
Breneman bowled games of 223, 198 and 215 to go along with his handicap score of 199 points.
Breneman’s third-game score of 223 was the second-highest score in the B division.
George Smith finished in second place for the B division. He had the highest single-game score of the division.
Smith bowled games of 151, 178 and 266, in addition to his handicap score of 224, for a total score of 819 points in the tournament.
In the third-place position of the B division was Brett Guglielmoni.
He finished just six points behind Smith with 813 total points. Guglielmoni bowled games of 201, 196 and 187. He also had a handicap score of 229 points.
The other seven bowlers who finished in prize-winning positions were Dottie Cole, with 807 total points; Christine Limanen, with 782 total points; Jim Spear, with 777 total points; Debbie Varner, with 770 total points; AJ Landers, with 768 total points; Christine Meoli, with 763 total points; and Joe Lopez, with 762 total points.
Following the tournament, two side pots were rewarded.
The handicap side pot had a total of $300 and was split among the top 15 bowlers with the highest overall total scores including their handicap scores.
Bolling, Correa and Breneman finished with the top three overall scores in the tournament and were awarded the three highest payouts for the side pot.
The second side pot awarded to bowlers was the scratch side pot, awarded to the top five bowlers with the highest scores without including the handicap scores.
Martinez, Correa and Bolling were the top three bowlers who won portions of the scratch pot. The other two bowlers who received a portion of the pot were Doug Landers and Mike McNeley.
In addition to the side pots, there was also a 50/50 raffle that was awarded to Larry Attebery.
PVTBC secretary/treasurer Debbie Varner would like to thank Larry Barbier and Mary Martinez for helping with the tournament.
The next PVTBC event will be held on Saturday, Aug. 27 at 1 p.m. This tournament will be a certified no-tap singles event and will have both a handicap and scratch side pot. Varner and Barbier will be the directors of the tournament.
Contact sports writer/editor Danny Smyth at dsmyth@pvtimes.com. Follow @the_dannysmyth on Twitter.