The first tournament of the Shoes &Brews Horseshoe Pitching Series took place at the Elks Lodge in Pahrump last weekend.
The Shoes &Brews series is a non-sanctioned horseshoe pitching competition that takes place at various locations in the Pahrump area.
Following each tournament, pitchers are given points based on their finishing places. Those points are totaled throughout the year and the pitcher with the most points will be declared the series champion.
Mark Kaczmarek was last season’s A class series champion, finishing with a total of 52 points. The B class series champion was Kevin Chael, who finished with 37 points.
Sunday’s tournament was a double-elimination, doubles-style tournament. Each team was made up of an A class and a B class player. There were 20 participants split into 10 teams.
The team of A class pitcher Kaczmarek and B class pitcher Chuck Smith took home first place. For their win, each pitcher was awarded 10 points toward the series standings and they each split 50% of the cash prize pool.
In second place of the Shoes &Brews tournament was the team of A class pitcher Rob Foster and B class pitcher DJ Zuloaga. With their runner-up position, each pitcher was awarded five points toward the series standings and they split 30% of the cash prize pool.
In the third and final awarded position was the team made up of A class pitcher Jason Barela and B class pitcher Russ Jacobs. For their third-place finish, each pitcher received three points toward the series standings and they split the remaining 20% of the cash prize pool.
Following the tournament, there was a 50/50 raffle that took place. Christy Russell was declared the winner, receiving half of the cash prize pool. The remaining half will be placed in a pot and given to the series champions at the end of the year.
The next event in the Shoes &Brews series will take place on Sunday, March 6. The tournament will be held at the Coyote’s Den in Pahrump. All pitchers must sign in by 11 a.m. to participate in the tournament.