Faith Lutheran ends season for girls softball

It was a difficult end to a hard-fought season. The girls came up short in their quest to make the playoffs. The Trojans had to win their last three games of the season and it came down to the last game against Faith Lutheran ( 26-8 overall, 12-2 Sunset League) and they lost 6-0.

Mosie Foley for Faith Lutheran 5-hit the Trojans (15-11, 7-7) and kept them off balance the entire game.

The Lady Trojans allowed only two runs in three innings but allowed four runs in the last two innings.

The team is young and had to adjust to each other and get used to playing with each other. The team had to fight from making minor errors all year long. Armendariz said this group of girls could hit the ball but just had to field better.

Three seniors will leave the team this year: Amanda Pryor, Maddison Hurley and Lani Kaiwi. This leaves the majority of the team intact for next year.

Sluggers Jordan Egan and Amaya Mendoza are expected to return. These two power hitters will surely lead the Trojans next year. Other starters returning will be Jill Smith, Lauren Koenig, Andi Bishop, Aryana Cuellar and Leanne Kaiwi.

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