Lori Kunicki
Miracle-Ear Center
3370 S. Highway 160,
Unit 5
Years in business: “I have been working as a hearing aid dispenser for 12 years.”
Background: “I do testing where we analyze hearing, help people select a product and work with them to adjust their product. We also tell them how to maintain the product. Our product has been in business for 65 years, but we just opened an office in Pahrump on Monday. Before I did this business I was in the Air Force. I am retired Air Force. I grew up in Washington. In the Air Force, I was a transport specialist. If you ever traveled TAD (temporary additional duty), that’s what I did.”
First job: “I picked strawberries and I also worked at a Kentucky Fried Chicken.”
Personal: “I like wine tasting and hanging out at the Pahrump Winery. And in my free time I like to travel. I like to go home to Washington.”
Business Climate: “We are seeing a growth in this town and we believe in our great product, great service and great reputation. And we believe in what we do.”
Note: The business profile is a free service that the PVT provides to the business community. If you would like to be profiled or know of a business that should, contact Vern Hee at 775-727-5102 or vhee@pvtimes.com.