The Pahrump Valley Little League baseball organization is currently accepting registrations for the 2023 spring season for all age groups.
The league is open to both boys and girls ages four to 16.
Online sign-ups are available until Jan. 21. The league will be holding in-person sign-ups this Saturday, Jan. 7, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and next Wednesday, Jan. 11, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Big 5 on Highway 160 in Pahrump.
The Big 5 will also be offering a 20% discount on select items in-store during the sign-up period each day.
The league will have six divisions divided by their age for this season: T-ball, Coach-pitch Minors, Player-pitch Minors, Majors, Juniors and Seniors.
Depending on which division you’ll be signing your child up for, the registration cost can range from $125 to $200.
You can sign up online at pahrumpvalleylittleleague.org.
The league is also still looking for volunteers to help coach the teams. Managers will be chosen on Monday, Jan. 9.
Players will be placed on their respective teams on Wednesday, Jan. 18.
Opening day of the 2023 season will be on Saturday, March 18 at Ian Deutch Memorial Park.
If you have any questions, you can contact the league via email at pahrumplittleleague@gmail.com or via phone number at 775-410-9709.
Contact sports writer/editor Danny Smyth at dsmyth@pvtimes.com. Follow @the_dannysmyth on Twitter.