Special Olympics Pahrump has a new area director, Bobbi-lee Ward.
Ward takes over the operations of Pahrump Special Olympics from a parent advisory board that was appointed after former area director Jim Soltz resigned due to health issues. The area director position is strictly voluntary.
The new director has lived in the area for 28 years, is 32 years old and also works in the area.
“I currently work locally at Apartments 247.com and I am grateful to have a position that allows me to dedicate time to the Special Olympics program,” she said.
Ward is not a stranger to Special Olympics in Pahrump. She has a special needs brother who has Cerebral Palsy.
“I have spent 26 years side-by-side with my brother and I have been involved in everything he does physically and emotionally,” Ward said.
In addition to her experience with her brother, she has been affiliated with Special Olympics on and off for the past 12 years.
“When the opportunity arose for me to step into the role of area director, I couldn’t pass it up,” she said. “It was through the support of many parents, including Special Olympics veterans Don Briskey and Jim Soltz, that I realized my potential value to the program.I am very honored to have this role and I am eager to work with the athletes as well as the public.”
Ward said she is looking forward to getting to better know each and every athlete.
Special Olympics is preparing for the 2016 fall season and is still looking for volunteers.
There will be four sports available this fall: golf, bowling, softball and soccer. Special Olympics is looking for a head golf coach, as well as golf mentors for the “alternate shot” program that begins on Aug. 25. Bowling starts on Aug. 29.
To become a volunteer, you can visit: http://sonv.org/volunteers/become-coach. For any questions or concerns related to Special Olympics, please reach out by phone at 702-970-7668 or by email at:CoachBobbi.SpecialOlympicsNV@gmail.com.
Contact sports editor Vern Hee at vhee@pvtimes.com