BEATTY —The town was filled with off-road enthusiasts for last month’s BigHorn Outback Explorers’ annual Poker Run. In all, 176 vehicles, including ATV’s, UTV’s, Jeeps, and trucks, took to the 60-mile route through Beatty’s outback backyard. Some of the participants came from outside Nevada, including some from Arizona, Idaho and Colorado. No vehicles were lost, and only three decided not to finish the complete course.
Weather created extra work for event organizers, as high winds took out trail markers the night before the run that had to be replaced by a crew led by BOE President Rusty Anderson. All the trail markers and signs were removed the day after the event.
Unlike the off-road races that regularly utilize trails in the Beatty area, the Poker Run participants travel at a more leisurely pace, drawing playing cards at each of four card stops. This year Cindy Kreutz had the $500 winning hand—a full house, aces over kings. The $300 second-best hand was held by Guy Morgan—a full house, sevens over tens.
Participants also had the chance to enjoy a breakfast by the Beatty Seniors, and a lunch by Chili Eddie. There was also a raffle with a large assortment of donated prizes.
Off-highway vehicles get plenty dirty on such a run, and this created a great fundraising opportunity for the Beatty High School Close-Up program which operated a car wash.
Richard Stephens is a free-lance reporter living in Beatty.