Pahrump Valley girls take 4th a state cross country meet

The Pahrump Valley girls cross country team took fourth in the Class-3A state competition on Saturday at Rancho San Rafael in Reno.

The five-member team was the top-finishing Southern Nevada team at the meet with a combined time of 2:06.42 and 114 points.

Pahrump Valley junior Aurora Whitney ran a 7:51 mile in the meet for the Trojans; sophomore Savannah Thompson paced 7:57; freshman Alexis Clouser ran a 7:58 mile; while senior Dakota Fernandez ran a 8:26 mile.

Tahoe-Truckee won the 3A girls team title this year with a time of 1:50.13 and 26 points. The fastest runner at the girls meet was a South Tahoe student who paced a 6:22 mile and eclipsed the second-place finisher by 50 seconds.

PVHS boys results

The Pahrump Valley boys cross country team placed 7th in their 3A state competition this weekend.

Junior Antonio Veloz was the fastest runner for the Trojans in Reno on Saturday, finishing with a time of 19:47, and averaging a mile pace of 6:23.

He was followed across the finish line by his teammates, sophomores Aydon Veloz and Timothy Stutzman, freshman Ben Cimperman, senior Jackson Floyd, sophomore Akim Khan and senior Theron Abbiss.

Spring Creek won the 3A boys team state title.

The Pahrump girls won their regional championship late last month; the boys finished third at regionals.

Alex Wright contributed to this report.

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