If you love playing golf and sharing your knowledge of the game, then Special Olympics is looking for you. According to Jim Soltz, a long time coach of Special Olympics, the organization is looking for patient golfers or mentors for their new golf program called, Alternate Shot.
In this program, a Special Olympics golfer pairs up with another golfer and they play nine holes, alternating shots as they go.
The mentor golfers will shoot every other shot, Soltz said. Of course getting the mentor golfer will be the real issue. This program will take more golf coaches and they need to put in at least 36 holes with their golfer and attend practices on Thursday.
Soltz said coaches are limited in the area because of the amount of time and the fact that the organization does conduct background checks.
If you want to volunteer go to this link: http://www.sonv.org/volunteers/become-volunteer
Other Special Olympic news
Special Olympics Pahrump has a new area director, Bobbi-lee Ward. She took over on July 14. For questions about Special Olympics call 702-970-7668.
Advisory meeting for parents, coaches and volunteers
Meeting will be at the Holiday Inn Express, at 6 p.m., on Aug. 9.
Contact sports editor Vern Hee at vhee@pvtimes.com