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Letters to the Editor

Reader unsure

roundabouts will

improve safety

Really? Roundabouts are for public safety? At 45 mph a safe roundabout will need the diameter of at least a football field, plus the end zones. One hundred twenty yards. That still won’t guarantee true safety but with experienced drivers, will allow reasonable safety, though if not wearing a seatbelt on a bench-type seat, will probably move the driver’s position toward the passenger side.

I thought the timetable was supposed to be quicker and less $$$ to do than traffic lights. Doesn’t sound so now.

Can anyone explain the proper protocol for yielding to emergency vehicles while in a roundabout? The tried and true “pull to the side of the road” doesn’t add up, as the emergency vehicle may need to exit that same exit you are in the way of. What then?

Also, the thought of “speedsters” trying to prove who can navigate the roundabouts the fastest. Lights alleviate this problem.

We really aren’t Europe and hopefully don’t become like them. It would sure cut down on tourism.

There are a bunch of reasons not to put roundabouts in our town beyond money, public domain requirements and safety. Traffic lights tend to make speed more aware to drivers.

Just a thought.

Henry Hurlbut

Good Samaritans help homeless couple

I’m writing because I’m so upset at what I saw and heard at the Salvation Army yesterday, July 11. My husband and I stop in periodically, as well as Good Will, to purchase some items for those wonderful people who are having difficulties.

While we were there in the Salvation Army HERE in Pahrump, I heard a young man tell the clerk that an officer told him to go to the Salvation Army here and they would help him get a pair of socks and some SHOES AND A SHIRT. His feet were all red and blistered from the heat. He told them his feet were very sore but he had no money. She immediately responded, “NO, YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU BUY.” “Please,” he said, “My feet are all blistered and burning,” and again she said, “No, you have to pay.”

I couldn’t believe my ears. My husband Val was in the back of the store, so I shouted out loud, “Val, a young man with burnt feet needs a pair of shoes, socks and a shirt and the clerk refused him because he has no money. Get up here and take care of him.” My hubby ran up to the front of the counter, smiled at the young man, shook his hand and said, “Hi buddy, let’s get what you need.” He smiled and thanked us.

After we paid the clerk who refused him, I asked him if he was alone and he said his wife was outside with the dog that they keep for protection.

We went outside and there we saw this lovely young woman with a folded up tent and some blankets. I asked them if they had eaten and he said no. I told them to stay right there until we got back with some food and cold drinks and dog food for their dog. When we got back, they were there waiting and we gave them four cloth bags of food and drinks for them and their dog, along with a small statue of the Blessed Mother of God, Mary.

They said how can we thank you and I said what I always say, “Pray to Mary, who goes to her beloved son, Jesus, who goes to his heavenly father and it’s in God’s hands, you can’t lose. We will pray for you too.”

While they were eating we checked the community center, who told us if they have ID, they can get food and food stamps. I said, good, but where do they sleep? She reminded me there is no homeless shelter in town!!! WHY????? These two young people, with no needle marks by the way, had some troubles and need a helping hand. There are 12 families right here in town that we help, who shall remain nameless. I’m sure you can find some if you look around.

WE NEED A HOMELESS SHELTER. In the interim, not all of you, but some of you, need to spend less time gossiping and making trouble for others or gambling only to lose, and start to become winners by going to the town board and getting them to open up a homeless shelter. We will be waiting for you. God bless.

Regina Joerger and

hubby Val Scherer

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Letters to the Editor

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Letters to the Editor

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Letters to the Editor

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