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Court stalls Nevada private school voucher initiative

A judge ruled the voter petition was missing crucial details. The initiative’s chief proponent said it was “just a hiccup.”

DIVAS ON A DIME: Meet the underrated and versatile baked potato

Remember baked potatoes? I was chatting with friends about food (because what else do I talk about?) and none of us could remember the last time we had stuffed baked potatoes for dinner. We’ve been so busy with our quinoa we forgot about the King of Carbs. Good carbs, naturally.

Divas on a Dime: Quick and easy treats for your sweetheart

It’s Valentine’s Day! Love is in the air and so is the ambrosial fragrance of chocolate! Here’s a great inexpensive, last-minute indulgence to share (or not?). I must warn you – these chocolate candies are dangerously easy to make. So, I’ll apologize to your Spanx in advance.

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Divas on a Dime: Spoil Dad with BBQ ribs for Father’s Day

Sunday is Father’s Day. If you’re like most households, you’ll gather and share a meal in honor of dear old Dad. While it may be difficult to decide what gifts to get him, you can’t go wrong serving him barbeque. Especially barbequed ribs.