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‘Cribs for Kids’: Safe sleep for infants

RENO — By creating a safe sleep environment for an infant, you can also lower the incidents of sleep — related deaths and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The greatest numbers of child deaths due to unsafe sleep situations occur among infants less than one year of age. The statewide Child Death Report states 93 percent of asphyxia deaths in 2010 were caused by unsafe sleeping environments due to excessive bedding, wedging, or adults or children sharing a bed with infants, which can result in rolling over or onto the baby and causing suffocation (overlay).

Senior News

The menu (subject to change) and activities for the week of June 24 — June 28: 2 percent milk and juice available daily:

DVNP seeks public comment for Hunter Mountain Pinyon Pine ecosystem study

The National Park Service (NPS) is currently accepting comments on an Environmental Assessment (EA) to analyze a proposal to conduct a prescribed fire and associated ecosystem study within Death Valley National Park (Park).

Special party celebrates 60th anniversary

Donald and Alma Stroup will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary with a private party in Pahrump on June 27, 2013.

Community Calendar

VFW donation dinner — 5-7 p.m., VFW Post 10054, Homestead Road, $6. Open to the public.

California lottery

No one matched all five numbers and the mega number in Wednesday’s drawing of the California Super Lotto. The next jackpot will be at least $21 million.

California lottery

No one matched all five numbers and the mega number in Saturday’s drawing of the California Super Lotto. The next jackpot will be at least $19 million.

In Brief

The Pahrump Arts Council is seeking donations of instructional art materials, whether published media or videos for the Pahrump Community Library. Our goal is to provide budding artists of all ages the tools to learn new and/or different techniques on their own. If we can excite a new artist, they may then go on to join PAC, take a class at the Gallery, or join an affiliated group and everyone benefits.

Potts crowned Ms. Senior Golden Years

Karen Potts, a former member of a theater group, won the 2013 Ms. Senior Golden Years crown Saturday in front of a capacity crowd at the Saddle West Hotel and Casino.

Making a living on the Amargosa farm

From goats and rabbits to yarn to scarf, or hat, or sweater, Ann Bartley of Amargosa Bar Ranch, said, “This is the life I dreamed of.”

Father’s handiwork a personal gift from his ancestors to his children

For Romeo Sigüenza, it is not just the dance but the skirt that enlivens memories of his grandmother and the ancestors he left behind in southern Mexico. Born on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Sigüenza brought with him to the United States his insights into the meaning and significance captured in the vibrant colors and striking symbols of the needlework embroidered in family traditions.

Senior News

The menu (subject to change) and activities for the week of June 17 — June 21: 2 percent milk and juice available daily:

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