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Letters to the editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

Veterinarian went above and beyond for pet

A huge heartfelt thank you to Dr. Jack Thomas and his staff for the excellent care that was given to our beloved dog, Winston, who we recently had to send across the Rainbow Bridge. This doctor has gone above and beyond for all his fur babies and we cannot express the gratitude for all he and his staff have done.

God Bless you and yours, Dr. Thomas. You are truly a veterinarian to be admired and respected.


Verby and Judy Pierce

Violence hotline could be an answer to shootings

I have an uneasy feeling the PV Times newspaper has a bias about mass shootings and why they were done, especially at gun-free zones.

The main push seems to be the gun, knife, etc. is at fault. The reason why is very seldom explained. My deductions of these shootings is the cause nearly always is the prescribed drugs they are given by doctors.

Maybe there can be a system that can identify change in mood, actions, verbal statement, etc. that can create intervention prior to the violence … doctors, parents, anyone close to the person could call a type of hotline to make others aware of possible/probable violence. Anyone with ideas?

Henry Hurlbut

Reader warns of recent cat mutilation in Pahrump

Sometime between late Monday night, May 28 and early Tuesday morning, May 29, my cat “Sylvie” was brutally mutilated by one of these “sick garbage of Pahrump,” or possibly by these “sick garbage from Vegas,” who came in town over the weekend.

I found Sylvie left on the other side of the road by this empty lot after I hadn’t seen him all morning with his head horribly crushed and his left eye gouged out and removed with the eye stem hanging out of the eye socket.

I believe he was killed by some kind of an air gun then his head was bashed in with some heavy object for my Sylvie was shy of any strange people and no way they could have gotten close enough to hurt him unless he was shot by an air gun first. I also see some bloodstains on his foot, possibly from the guy who killed him when he picked him up by the leg.

I have good reason to believe that my cat was intentionally killed by these “sick garbage” who’ve got some kind of a grudge against me and left him on the side of the road for me to find.

About one month before Sylvie got killed, this suspicious looking man arrived in a silver SUV and this woman arrived in a blue Jeep at the same time and began snooping around my place. While the man went around to the back, I got out and asked what the woman wanted and she told me she was “looking” for a black and white cat like my Sylvie and that “someone” on “social media” told her they saw one around my place. When the man comes back around, he begins to tell me the exact same story the woman told me then said that they don’t know each other. I find it to be too big of a coincidence that these two show up at the same time, both happen to looking for a missing black and white cat and one month later my cat was mutilated!

I think we should just simply execute these sick garbage if they were ever caught. This is how serial killers got started with the poor helpless little animals. These damn society filth!

I really don’t know what these people’s problem is but I really pray to God that these “sick garbage of Pahrump” get what’s coming to them. And they will get what’s coming to them sooner or later. This is a small town. Somebody is bound to hear or see something outside my place. These “sick garbage” must have to wait around a long time by the road or they must live real close by for them to get the chance to shoot my cat before they mutilated him.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to post this at first but I finally feel that Sylvie deserves to have his story told and that I will always remember the one short year he spent with me since he was little.

Thank you for your time reading this.

J. Harrison

Opponent congratulates successful primary candidate

I would like to congratulate Ginger Stumne on her victory in the primary. She now has four and one half years to do her job.

My question is her statement in the newspaper about focusing on the lost side of Nye County residents that she has forgotten until now. Did this forgotten group just materialize? It seems that past public administrators like herself never saw the need to help this group. Why all of a sudden is it important? It should have always been important.

It seems to me, that the office of PA has been lacking for many years in helping all of Nye County. Sorry people, you got what you voted for. Or maybe this forgotten group was not lucrative enough to bother with.

Oren Hampton

EDITORIAL: No taxes on tips? Watch for unintended consequences

“For those hotel workers and people that get tips, you’re going to be very happy, because when I get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips,” Mr. Trump said.

DMV upgrade could cost Nevada extra $300M amid rollout woes

The Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles’ modernization of its computer system could take longer than anticipated and cost the state more than $300 million in additional funding.

EDITORIAL: Biden extends state, local slush funds

Joe Biden’s aptly misnamed American Rescue Plan, passed in 2021, dedicated $350 billion for state and local governments to stem budget losses due to pandemic business closures and subsequent tax shortfalls.