Boys soccer drops last two games

The boys soccer team has dropped their last two games losing to Mojave 7-2 last week and suffering a loss to Clark 5-0 in Tuesday’s game. According to Coach Don Boulden the team has just been outplayed the last two games.

Sladek breaks state record for most career goals

Sydney Sladek broke the Nevada High School Record for “most goals scored, career,” formerly held by Traci Prado at 154. Prado, from North Tahoe, set the record in 2000.

Water board feels heat over proposed restrictions

The fallout continued Monday at a Nye County Water District Board Monday after a joint meeting with county commissioners and State Engineer Jason King Sept. 17 over plans to curb water use in Pahrump Valley.

Lady Trojans stomp Chargers

The Lady Trojans stomped another league opponent beating the Clark Chargers on Tuesday 8-1. Sydney Sladek broke the state record for most goals scored in a career at 154. Sladek scored four goals that afternoon and now has 157 goals.

October 2013
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