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TALK OF THE TOWN: What Pahrump is saying about the Fall Festival

Aliens and Cowboys: A fitting theme for the 58th Pahrump Fall Festival. The four-day event ended Sunday in Petrack Park. The weather was decent. The rodeo was reportedly a sold-out event. And the town of Pahrump did a solid job organizing and promoting the event.

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Op-ed: Stop the Yucca licensing process

For years Nye County has been asking for the licensing to resume and Nevada blocked us every way they could. When I was a county commissioner, we had nine of the 17 counties signed onto a resolution that asked for that very thing.

STEVE SEBELIUS: Is there substance behind the Fiore flash?

Michele Fiore’s entry into the campaign for Nevada governor will have fellow Republicans reaching for the Tylenol and Democrats going back to church.

THOMAS KNAPP: 1984 alive in 2021: We’ve taken on doing Big Brother’s job for him

George Orwell’s classic dystopia “1984” describes a future (as of 1949, the year of its publication) in which a totalitarian state attempts to control both present and future by modifying the past. The novel’s protagonist, Winston Smith, works at the Ministry of Truth, “rectifying” past news accounts:

Letters to the editor

Impeachment trial is an unnecessary political stunt

TIM BURKE: New mandates feel like violation of personal rights

I am at home by myself, sitting at my desk and typing on my computer with a face mask on. No, not really, because under Governor Sisolak’s Emergency Directive 035, being alone exempts me from that requirement. The surge in COVID-19 positives and government directives in response has made this our new reality. For the third time in less than two weeks, Nevada on Tuesday set a record for most coronavirus cases reported in a day since the start of the pandemic, state data shows. According to the Department of Health and Human Services website, there were 2,853 new cases reported Tuesday, along with 24 additional deaths. The updated figures brought totals in the state to 139,080 cases and 2,047 deaths.

Trump, Biden spar over coronavirus, character in last debate

The debate presents the last chance for both hopefuls to woo undecided voters in face-to-face rhetorical battle. Watch the livestream here.

DAN SCHINHOFEN: Facts, not fear

At the end of this piece, I will list my sources, which are mostly the CDC. From the beginning of this “crisis,” we have been told that we need to listen to the experts, and that is what I have been doing. The CDC recommends using masks and wiping down surfaces, but they do not have clinical data to back this up, and they even contradict their own message in some cases.