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Letters to the Editor

Individual rights eroding without notice by some

Letters to the Editor

No excuse for frustrating experience at area DMV so says a Times reader

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Letters to the Editor

Blue Collar Comedy makes sense and is funny too

VICTOR JOECKS: The case for climate optimism

The Chicken Littles at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are at it again.

Letters to the Editor

Most politicians leave the public sector much richer

Letters to the Editor

Getting medical assistance is not what it used to be

Letters to the Editor

Recent letter on the confiscation of guns spurs response from reader

THOMAS KNAPP: Government vaccine mandates: immoral and impractical

If you only pay attention to the government and establishment media COVID-19 panic machines, you might not know that the U.S. is experiencing fewer than one-third as many new daily cases and hospitalizations as in January and fewer daily deaths than at any time since March of 2020.