DEATH VALLEY, Calif. — The Furnace Creek Visitor Center Auditorium was filled with weather enthusiasts to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the hottest day ever recorded on July 10, 1913. The 134-degree day was penned by Oscar Denton, who took the reading amidst birds falling dead from the sky because of the heat.
You looked everywhere.
The Nevada Rural Counties RSVP Program, Inc. (RSVP) continues its series of quarterly training sessions for Respite Program volunteers and invites members of the community to join. Family caregivers are especially encouraged to attend this important and informative free training session. Featured speakers include Susan Gulas. R.N., Coordinator for the American Parkinsons Disease Association and others.
VFW donation dinner — 5-7 p.m., VFW Post 10054, Homestead Road, $6. Open to the public.
No one matched all five numbers and the mega number in Wednesday’s drawing of the California Super Lotto. The next jackpot will be at least $34 million.
Deanna Stever, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest Geologist and Cave Specialist, likes plunging into the unknown. Her husband, Eric Stever, also a national forest employee, is an archaeologist and shares her passion for unearthing treasures. Together, they’re part of a talented and diverse team that is uncovering the caves and their stories across Nevada.
Bible study — 7 p.m., First Southern Baptist Church, Highway 160 and Fehrs Way. Classes for all ages.
• 10 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Mystical Healing, 1230 S. Loop Road. For information call Jerry at 727-4531.
No one matched all five numbers and the mega number in Saturday’s drawing of the California Super Lotto. The next jackpot will be at least $33 million.
Local resident and part-time filmmaker James Horton and his two-year filmmaking experience ended as he closed the shooting of his horror movie, “Do Not Disturb” recently. The long editing process is now before him.
By October, the Pahrump Southern Nye County’s Search and Rescue (SNCSAR) organization will be noted for the first-ever Civil Air Patrol Squadron in this part of Nevada.
This time, you overdid it.
In June, the Pahrump Valley Professional Fire Fighters presented two graduating high school students each with a $500 scholarship. These education-based donations are part of an annual effort for the firefighters to further education in their community.
Chad Goins, a Pahrump resident, has qualified as a “Championship” Agent by Farmers Insurance for his outstanding overall performance.