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Letter: Thank you from Shadow Mountain Quilters

Thank you to the Show Committee and to the many Shadow Mountain Quilters volunteers who worked long hours to make the Pins & Needles Quilt & Needlework Show such a beautiful and fun event.

The “Fantasy” theme was used imaginatively in several entries and the 2017 opportunity quilt and rack was won by Julie Robinson from Henderson. Congratulations to the many winners and to those who entered their work for all to admire.

The 2018 opportunity quilt, chaired by Sally Folmar, was unveiled with a theme of Celtic Journey, inspired by the beautiful quilt rack custom made and donated by Mike Cosgrove.

Many thanks to: the NyE Communities Coalition for once again sharing their wonderful Activities Center for our judging; Robert and Miki Bryce and the Nevada Treasure RV Resort staff for always being there to ensure our show went as smoothly as possible; the Pahrump Valley Times for helping us prepare ads; KNYE, the Pahrump Tourism Board and to the Chamber of Commerce for helping publicize the show; B&C Printing for always returning perfectly printed jobs in a timely fashion.

We appreciate the support of our Pahrump organizations and businesses; and to members of the community who offered their support by visiting the show, despite the challenges presented by endless rain.

The Shadow Mountain Quilters had voted to share 20 percent of the proceeds from our show with local charities, which this year will be split between the Meals on Wheels and Food for Thought programs.

Joyce Higginbotham, Chairman

Pins & Needles Quilt & Needlework Show

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