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Letters to editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

Comparisons between California and Nevada

I share some of Mr. Jaronik’s beliefs about California and herein will try to respond to his concerns. I am a retired businessman from California. After I retired I became upset overpaying a substantial amount of income tax to California. My wife and I looked at other states to move to and settled on Nevada because this state has no income tax. Mr. Jaronik was not 100% correct about weather comparison between the two states. California has several areas, like the deserts and mountains where the heat and cold are worse than here.

I have stated on several occasions that I was a Republican for most of my life. While I still remain a conservative, I believe the Republican Party has become an oligarch party for the rich and corporations. I believe Trump has moved the party more toward that end. Moreover, the Trump Republican party is not conservative, especially when Trump’s annual red spending is so high that it even makes Obama blush.

Nevada is a heavily taxed state. Most of us don’t realize that because we are not the ones who are paying that tax. Sadly, it’s the gamblers, who collectively lose billions through the casinos they frequent. This state taxes the casinos. Some of my friends lose heavily to the casinos. California allows the Indians to own and operate casinos, but it does not receive revenue from them.

Nevada does not have to become an extreme red or blue state. Neither an oligarch party for the rich and corporations or a welfare state are desirable. History is replete with examples of people supporting reformers who alleged they were supporting the masses, only to see these so-called reformers seize power for themselves and become dictators. I believe Trump, if left unchecked, and supported by Republicans, especially those in the Senate, will become a dictator.

Please don’t say it can’t happen here.

Jim Ferrell

EDITORIAL: Regulatory thicket will dog victims of California fires

If Gov. Newsom wants to facilitate reconstruction, he might also request technical help from those running states and municipalities who actually know how to encourage development rather than relying on those expert in killing it.

Letters to the Editor

I am proud of the role RPEN – Retired Public Employees of Nevada – had to congressional bill H.R. 82

Letters to the Editor

Hope all Nye County residents are going to enjoy your gift from the BOCC. You say, “what gift?” Your stocking contained the ever-not-desirable solar fields.

Letters to the Editor

Basically, what they are doing is taking away what we have saved for the winter months and not compensating us for what they have taken from us.

Letters to the Editor

This is a follow-up letter congratulating reporter Selwyn Harris for a job well done.

EDITORIAL: The blue state blues

If blue states want to stop losing residents to red states, they should adopt red state policies.