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Letters to editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

Justification in Iranian crisis is disputed

So, I’m not alone. Someone else shares my opinion of the present incumbent in the White House. In his/her letter of Jan. 10, 2020, CJ Stevens expressed some of the views I hold about Trump, and Trump’s killing of Iranian general Soleimani. I would like to add the following:

Where is the evidence to support the killing of Soleimani?

1. It is alleged that Soleimani killed hundreds of U.S. soldiers (alleged by Trump). This was repeated by Congressman Amodei of Las Vegas, in his newsletter of Jan. 10. National Public Radio checked into this allegation and found it was put out by the Pentagon, with no supporting evidence.

2. Trump also stated that there was an “imminent threat” to the U.S. by Iran to attack four embassies. This was also used as justification for the killing of Soleimani. It seems that there was no such threat, if national agency (ABC, NBC, CBS) reporting is accurate. This is supported by congressmen who were briefed by the White House after the attack. CJ Stevens makes what I think is a good point that if Trump had put his plan to Congress it would have been nixed. Can anyone provide credible evidence for this planned attack on U.S. embassies?

3. I fully support CJ Stevens’ opinion that Trump, unilaterally taking the U.S. out of the uranium enrichment agreement with Iran, will result in Iran enriching uranium to weapons grade and producing nuclear weapons. Trump had alleged that he would obtain a better deal. It certainly won’t happen now. And what of any deal with North Korea on nuclear disarmament?

4. I think you can apply the legal “but for” negligence test to the downing of the Ukrainian airliner and killing 177 persons. “But for” Trump killing Soleimani, and Iran retaliating with missile strikes, their anti-aircraft batteries would not have been on high alert and would not have shot down the civilian airliner. I think you can lay their deaths at Trump’s door, as well as Iran’s. Think of their grieving families.

George Tucker

Reader takes letter writer to task on research

Mr. Ferrell, I wonder why one of the Democratic presidential candidates hasn’t taken you on as its campaign manager. Good grief, you could fan the flames of Democrats everywhere with your encyclopedic knowledge of Republican sins that no one else knows.

I should note that though I’m a registered republican, since I voted in my first presidential election in 1960 I’ve voted for the republican candidate eight times and for the Democratic candidate six times.

As I read your letter published in the January 10 issue of the Pahrump Valley Times I noticed a few questionable statements and felt I should take this opportunity to attempt to set your various recollections straight.

First — President Trump and/or Senator McConnell never said “We are going to have to take away the health care for the people to pay for the tax cuts.” But something very similar was in fact said by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island) on Oct. 23, 2018, then almost immediately parodied by Chuck Schumer and several other Democrats.

Second — When President Obama took office, the national debt stood at $10,626 trillion, that’s an average of $1,165 trillion per year. For campaign purposes, during President Obama’s first three years in office he added $4.157 trillion to the national deficit while in President Trump’s first three years he added $3,821 to the national deficit.

Third — You’re factually incorrect in noting “the Benghazi story was a lie put out by Fox news and not verified by any other major and worthy news agency.” The Benghazi incident was verified and covered in depth by most if not all major news medias, however it is also true that as the Democratic presidential re-election date drew closer, many but not all news outlets did drop news coverage of the incident.

Fourth — There are several Clinton investigations still in progress, including investigations of both Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Some of the more interesting findings of the Benghazi investigation included the following: No U.S. military force in the region moved toward Benghazi despite orders from both President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. Marines based in Rota, Spain changed into and out of uniform four times, waiting for deployment orders that never came. Initially, the attack was deemed to have been initiated because of an anti-Muslim video. And in my opinion, the highlight of the Benghazi investigation was when Hillary Clinton stated, “What difference does it make now?” after the conclusion of the investigation. I’m sure that brought a lot of comfort to all the men and women in uniform.

Fifth — Trump’s huge tax cuts obviously didn’t help many Pahrump residents, (certainly not me), but for whatever it’s worth I’m sure all the Democratic billionaires enjoyed the tax cuts as did the Republican billionaires. Incidentally, the top 10 Democratic donors’ donations totaled $102 million while the top 10 Republican donors’ donations totaled just a little over $51 million. And did you know the Koch brothers did not contribute even one dime to the Trump presidential campaign? They did contribute to the 2016 Republican Senate campaign though.

I implored you once before to please do at least a little basic research before you embarrass yourself to the good folks in Pahrump.

Ray Waldhauser

Pahrump residents thanked for Christmas season generosity

I am writing to thank Pahrump residents for sharing the true meaning of Christmas with children in need this past holiday season.

Because of the generosity of donors in Pahrump and across the United States, Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, collected more than 8.9 million shoe-box gifts in 2019. Combined with those collected from partnering countries in 2019, the ministry is now sending 10,569,405 shoe-box gifts to children worldwide.

Through shoe boxes — packed with fun toys, school supplies and hygiene items — Pahrump volunteers brought joy to children in need around the world. Each gift-filled shoe box is a tangible expression of God’s love, and it is often the first gift these children have ever received. Thanks to the generosity of donors, Operation Christmas Child has collected and delivered more than 178 million gift-filled shoe boxes to children in more than 160 countries and territories since 1993.

It’s not too late for people to make a difference. Though drop-off locations serving Pahrump are closed until Nov. 16-23, 2020, information about year-round volunteer opportunities can also be found at samaritanspurse.org/occ or by calling 714-432-2950.

Thank you again to everyone who participated in this global project—many who do so year after year. These simple gifts, packed with love, send a message to children worldwide that they are loved and not forgotten.


Dana Williams

Operation Christmas Child

Letters to the Editor

President Johnson previously held the record for pardons, with about 7,000. Joe Biden broke that record with over 8,000 pardons.

EDITORIAL: Regulatory thicket will dog victims of California fires

If Gov. Newsom wants to facilitate reconstruction, he might also request technical help from those running states and municipalities who actually know how to encourage development rather than relying on those expert in killing it.

Letters to the Editor

I am proud of the role RPEN – Retired Public Employees of Nevada – had to congressional bill H.R. 82

Letters to the Editor

Hope all Nye County residents are going to enjoy your gift from the BOCC. You say, “what gift?” Your stocking contained the ever-not-desirable solar fields.

Letters to the Editor

Basically, what they are doing is taking away what we have saved for the winter months and not compensating us for what they have taken from us.

Letters to the Editor

This is a follow-up letter congratulating reporter Selwyn Harris for a job well done.