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Letters to the Editor

Letter writer tallies up administration’s bungling

In just seven short months the moron in the oval office has managed to make America dependent on foreign oil again, by shutting down a pipeline that was 95% complete. At the same time he gave his buddies, the Russians, the go-ahead to finish their pipeline into Europe where they will make Europe dependent and squeeze as much money from them as they possibly can. Wow! Almost makes you wonder if Biden or someone in his family owed the Russians some kind of favor.

Next, he shuts down all exploration and drilling, causing us to be even MORE dependent on foreign oil. Finally, to complete making the U.S. the laughingstock of the world, he asks OPEC to pump more oil so the price they charge us will go down, thus decreasing the rising costs of not only our gas at the pumps, but everything else in the country. Iraq and Venezuela must be laughing their asses off at this one. Oh, and this isn’t a tax increase, it’s just inflation.

But that’s not all. President Trump tried to close our borders to all air traffic at about the time the first case of Covid-19 was reported in the Northwest. DemocRAT politicians fought him and forced him to keep the borders open and the pandemic began. Remember, DemocRAT politicians forced President Trump to keep the borders open. A month or so after he assumed office, the moron in the oval office claimed that HE made the vaccine for Covid-19 available to Americans when he had NOTHING at all to do with making the vaccine ready for Americans. And now these know-it-all socialist DemocRAT politicians and the one in the White House, who has done nothing at all in his previous 47 years in office, are quietly training Americans to do what they’re told. Wear your mask. Close your doors and stay inside. Do not send your children to school. No parties. Wear that mask. Get a vaccine shot. Wear your mask. Get a booster shot. Wear your mask because even if you have your shots you can get the flu again. Wear your mask.

Americans have a very short attention span and with enough propaganda, soon will be following their master’s commands religiously. Remember to wear your mask. You must have your vaxx papers to cross our borders. (Unless you’re an illegal alien, then come on in.) Wear your mask. Show me your papers or you can’t eat in a restaurant or go to the gym. Wear your mask. Many highly intelligent people have already fallen for this. Wear your mask.

And then there’s the southern border. I’m very sure that enemies of the United States saw a way to create this chaos while President Trump was in office. The socialist DemocRATs were already rioting and creating havoc in the streets of America just because they didn’t like President Trump. So I think our enemies took advantage of that and sent operatives to every South American country and many other third world sh*t holes around the world and spread the word that they could have a much better life in America. That all they had to do was cross the border and claim asylum and America would take care of them. Or just send your children. America will take care of them and you’ll be able to join them later. America will give you free medical care, free schooling for your kids, even free money. And they came. Boy did they come. But President Trump had that almost under control. And DemocRAT politicians fought him tooth and nail to prevent it. Then the idiot now in office just opened our borders to anyone and everyone who wanted to come in for the free stuff. Come on in! Make yourselves at home! People from over 100 countries are pouring across the border. (A federal judge has now told Biden to reinstate a Trump policy of illegals staying in Mexico until they can be properly vetted.) Of course he hasn’t complied with the order yet.

Have any of you ever wondered even for a second if there might be terrorists crossing the border along with all the drugs flooding our streets now. What a bonus that is for the cartels and the enemies of the United States. The border patrol is so busy directing and housing over a million people from third world sh*t holes that they don’t have time to police the farther edges of the border. What’s next? Restaurant and nightclub bombings? Maybe a football stadium or a WWE wrestling event? Or maybe a new version of the flu?

Have you ever wondered why China, with a population of over 1.4 BILLION people has only reported 106,615 cases of Covid-19 and has ONLY had 4,848 deaths from it? Probably not. Many of you were too busy hating President Trump to even think about it, and you still haven’t, even though we now have a moron in office. Think for a second, could the Chinese have so few reported deaths because they KNEW about Covid-19 BEFORE it “got loose”. And forced their population, (they are a communist country and can make their population do as they are told or else), to get vaccinated without telling them why or for what reason. Is it even remotely possible? Of course it is.

Let’s see, the idiot in charge has also rescinded tariff agreements with China that were to America’s benefit. That’s probably payback for all the money his family received though. Only fair, right? Gotta pay the favor back somehow. Who cares if Americans pay more for Chinese products and receive less for the products sold TO China. What little there is of that. At least Biden’s family has reaped the benefits of it.

Only someone who, in his whole life has never held a real job, never run a real business and just coasted through 47 years in political office, could make such a MESS of pulling the troops and other Americans and Afghanis out of Afghanistan. Carter’s, (another DemocRAT politician) little helicopter debacle in Iraq doesn’t hold a candle flame in the wind to this! From what we can tell from almost all news channels reporting, Biden seems to have decided to, “Go Now, Just do it! Come on man.” There had to be someone telling him it wouldn’t be as simple as he is. That there needed to be some prior planning. That there is a much bigger and more easily aircraft-accessible airport just a few miles away from Kabul, which I understand is a real bitch to fly into and protect while people are loading into the aircraft. Now Biden has HIS Vietnam. “No,” he told us, “There will be no people falling from helicopters flying from the rooftops”. Instead Biden has people falling from great heights as they fall off the C-17 flying away from Kabul. Thousands of Americans and thousands of panicked Afghans left behind after hundreds packed into those C-17s. Was there time to vett any of those people? Are there any Taliban, Isis or Al-Qa’ida (Death to America), in that group of people who may be off-loaded in Wisconsin, or Texas. Not sure why Wisconsin is being punished, I can understand it for Texas though, red state.

And just as he’s done over the last 48 years, Biden is blaming anyone and everyone else for his blunders. He has even blamed President Trump for the mess he made in Afghanistan!

Hope my Democrat friends noticed that I wrote Democrat POLITICIANS. That is my distinction between those who are controlling and those who are the controlled. Yesterday I was reading about all of the medical personnel who were being fired because they chose not to get vaccinated. And some were being fired even though, for medical reasons, they’ve been told not to be vaccinated. Our local politicians are trying out their control too. It’s not funny that the people who were lauded as heroic for putting their lives on the line to save others during the pandemic are now being demonized and fired for still doing the same thing. Remember. Get your shots! Wear that mask! You don’t get to choose! Wear it, or else. You VILL show me der vaxx papers!

Robert Dole

How do we know who to trust to give us correct info?

As the death toll from Covid has increased (19 deaths in the past two weeks) in Pahrump and in Nye County the last few weeks the vaccination rate has eked up to a measly 41% and mask wearing at grocery stores has decreased to 50%.

Apparently, either a good portion of the population is unaware or has accepted the anti-vaxxing rhetoric and are practicing their freedoms as Americans against government and medical tyranny.

Here are links and coronavirus statistics from Nye County (population - 47,000) and Marin County, California (1 death in the past two weeks, population - 260,000, 78% vaccinated). So, who to trust? (1 death in the past two weeks, population - 260,000, 78% vaccinated). So, who to trust?

“The Unvaccinated Are Looking Smarter Every Week”, By Thomas T. Siler, M.D. Link:


90,000 U.S. COVID-19 deaths since June were preventable, Kaiser study reports:

Link: https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/atlanta/90000-us-covid-19-deaths-since-june-were-preventable-kaiser-study-reports/MGXJANJNTJEMDFE4BOTGDTFG5I/

George Peretsky

You get your shot, I’ll just wear my mask, says reader

B.1.351, B.1.1.7, P.1, B.1.617, N501Y, Delta, Alpha, Gamma, etc. variants were built into the shot, to protect us, in all imaginable ways. But please, consider this. Those who got the shot should still mask for two weeks. They are twice more likely to spread Covid-19 PLUS the variants. Yet they condemn us, who for health reasons, or who simply don’t want the shot, for being spreaders who wantonly caused the resurgence.

If we, the unwashed, are spreaders, we are carrying just good old-fashioned Covid-19. YOU, the lemmings, are spreading all the variants, and you took off your mask too soon … you should at least have worn them one to two weeks after inoculation.

I intend to wear a mask, forever, when in any crowd – supermarkets, casinos, shopping anywhere, or in any groups of more than 10 people. (Hey, they’ve made so many “cute” ones it’s almost a fashion statement.)

You take your shots, I’ll wear my masks. Also, I’m accustomed to staying at least two feet away from strangers. What’s not to love?

V.L. Deist

Honest journalism seems to be a thing of the past

On Oct. 1 the DOJ released an audit report on the FBI regarding their submissions to the FISA courts. Most of it was related to the Trump campaign and his presidency. It seems there is a guideline for rules for such investigative agencies to follow to protect U.S. citizens against unjustifiable abuses called the “Woods Procedures”.

It seems there are 209 cases of abuse to these guidelines. This news is another example of how many agencies’ tactics to obscure or minimize such negative reports for protection of what’s rightly been referred to as the “swamp” and those associated with it receive or expect to receive benefits from the swamp.

This seems to be a common theme and reflects much more on leadership, not rank and file. Sadly, there also seems to be little honest journalistic curiosity by the country’s dedicated “watchdogs”, for whatever reason, just accepting their feed narratives with few questions, even ignoring relevant stories.

Another example, on Sept. 23, the president nominated Saule Omarova to be the new “Currency Controller”, who oversees the banking industry in the country. There are some even on the left that are questioning this appointment. Ms. Omarova it seems was a former Soviet Russian citizen, educated there, wrote several supportive articles about the former Soviet system, and seems to believe there should be no such thing as private banking institutions, there should be one central bank under central control.

It’s kinda peculiar how those in the 60s and early 70s who were “down on the man” dictating everything in their lives now seem to have power and want to dictate everyone else’s life!

David Jaronik

Here’s how I think Biden is doing so far: Reader

So here we are. Lunchbox Joe has been in office going on eight months, and it’s been a looooong eight months, hasn’t it?

He’s pulled the U.S. out of Afghanistan and says the U.S.has been in close touch with the Taliban. The U.S. left some armament behind and I’m wondering why? Did he forget it’s OUR Armament? He didn’t forget to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners though. Why did we have to cut and run in such a hurry? Former President Trump had already set a “pull-out” date. Was the date changed because that was President Trump’s date, and by damn, anything that had Trump’s name on it cannot stand?

Things are much better at home though, aren’t they? Not one foot of the wall has been built because President Biden said during the Democratic debates, “If I become the president, not one more foot of wall will be built, and we will welcome all immigrants to the U.S.” Why? “Because that’s who we are!” Really? I always thought the U.S. welcomed immigration and immigrants who followed the rules? Do we now have new rules?

Then he threw Vice President Harris under the bus by sending her to El Paso, Texas (of all places! ) in June to solve the immigration problem, so after she arrived in El Paso and giggled a little, she returned home and decided the problem could only be resolved by determining the “root cause” of the immigration problem! Read “Send money (meaning LOTS of $$$$) to the triad of countries in South America, which are deemed to be the primary cause of the problem. So far she’s done a crackerjack job, as a million-plus illegal aliens (now referred to as “undocumented immigrants) have arrived to become future Democrat voters. Is it possible that when President Biden informed the world he would cancel further wall construction and welcome immigrants “because that’s who we are,” could be the root cause of the immigration problem? Was Uncle Joe on a power trip at the time? On TV he said we had a Covid-19 problem and President Trump had left the Biden administration with one hell of a mess! But once again our president rose to the task, and promised we could all have hamburgers on the Fourth of July! Now THAT’S leadership!

Among one of his more sensible moves was to cancel construction of OUR oil pipeline, and then dropping sanctions on Russia, thereby enabling Russia to continue completion of THEIR underwater oil pipeline to Northern Europe! Who saw that brilliant move coming! The only thing Russia has that can be sold on the open market is various weaponry (A-bombs, Kalisnikofes (the legendary AK-47’s), etc., and now Oil. I can just imagine “The Squad’s” glee when that earth-shaking decision was announced!

Now, all of a sudden our schools are teaching such thought-provoking subjects as “The Woke Theory”, the 1619 Project and “Critical Race Theory”, but I wonder why?

This president MUST believe these subjects are critical and/or appropriate or he would have stopped this nonsense. The teachers’ union doesn’t run the country but apparently it does have the power to decide what gets taught in exchange for votes? Personally, I’ve always admired America’s “Greatest Generation” and many of them were just taught reading, writing and arithmetic before they went off to war and they seemed to do all right, didn’t they? Of course, they weren’t subject to today’s finest left-wing intelligentsia, were they?

I’m not really sure why VP Harris was dispatched to Asia while President Biden showed the world what a brilliant tactician he was as he outmaneuvered the Taliban in Afghanistan. I can only imagine he didn’t want her getting more CNN air time than he was.

Another shining example of Biden’s leadership was the recent firing of Marine Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller. The reason? This career Marine had the gall to demand accountability into the inept planning that resulted in the recent Afghanistan debacle!

Anybody besides me wondering why President Biden didn’t back him up? Was it because Biden (apparently) dismissed advice from his military advisers to keep 2,500 military personnel in the Kabul area to ensure an orderly evacuation?

In the Sept. 10 issue of the Pahrump Valley Times, Mr. Stevens made mention of the numerous village, county, state, governmental and international Investigations and pending lawsuits involving Trump, but for reasons I can’t even begin to fathom, he failed to note the two Trump impeachment cases engineered by Pelosi and head Persecutor (NOT Prosecutor) Shiff, both of which were totally without merit (according to Head Prosecutor Mueller) and therefore doomed to fail before they even convened. Of course one of the charges was the ever popular “Quid Pro Quo” between Trump and the Albanian president. Surely Mr. Stevens is aware that President Biden has publicly admitted on national TV when he was vice president that if the Albanian Energy Company investigator wasn’t fired immediately he (Biden) would not release to the Albanian government One billion U.S. dollars that had already been approved? How could he possibly have forgotten to mention that?

I’m obviously not a student of human behavior as many people are but lately I’ve wondered about something that puzzles me. I can accept the theory that the Democrats hope to favorably impress the typical American voter through the execution of their brilliant foreign and domestic policies, and that the Republican Party will then just permanently dissolve. Just seems to me that with the accumulated knowledge, experience and expertise of Biden, VP Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Nader, etc., and with the brilliance of both Schiff and Ocasio-Cortez at their disposal, how can so many things go so wrong? Personally, I have to believe the political party currently in power are screwing things up this badly on purpose (because no one is so stupid as to make this many boo-boo’s by mistake). Do they really hate Trump that much? Or do they just hate America that much?

Ray Waldhauser

Letters to the Editor

President Johnson previously held the record for pardons, with about 7,000. Joe Biden broke that record with over 8,000 pardons.

EDITORIAL: Regulatory thicket will dog victims of California fires

If Gov. Newsom wants to facilitate reconstruction, he might also request technical help from those running states and municipalities who actually know how to encourage development rather than relying on those expert in killing it.

Letters to the Editor

I am proud of the role RPEN – Retired Public Employees of Nevada – had to congressional bill H.R. 82

Letters to the Editor

Hope all Nye County residents are going to enjoy your gift from the BOCC. You say, “what gift?” Your stocking contained the ever-not-desirable solar fields.

Letters to the Editor

Basically, what they are doing is taking away what we have saved for the winter months and not compensating us for what they have taken from us.

Letters to the Editor

This is a follow-up letter congratulating reporter Selwyn Harris for a job well done.