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Letters to the editor

Are GOP in Utah planning trip to swing states?

The Utah Republican Party recently squealed like a stuck pig about the possibility of foreign influence infecting Utah’s sacred populist initiative process. (“Legislative leaders say fear of California-style laws, foreign influence cause to rush constitutional amendment,” Salt Lake Tribune, 8-2-24)

But now we learn our esteemed party leaders plan to send a large delegation of Utah Republicans to influence sovereign elections in Arizona and Nevada before Election Day November 5, 2024.

An article in the Deseret News reports Utah party chair Rob Axson boasts, “Hundreds of volunteers from the Utah Republican Party will go down to Arizona on two different trips and then Nevada on another trip. (“Inside Trump’s brief Utah fundraiser – and how Governor Cox was involved,” Deseret News, 9-14-24)

Is this ordinary hypocrisy or the kind of hypocrisy that a monopoly political party gets away with all the time, thinking nobody will see it or report on it?

Who really cares, as long as Utah can tip the dead-even presidential race in those two swing states in favor of Donald Trump and single-handedly win the White House back for Mr. Trump. Utah will really be on the map then!

Kimball Shinkoskey

Ask yourself, ‘What is the definition of democracy?’

The word Democracy has been used a lot lately. Webster’s New World Dictionary defines democracy as “government in which people hold the ruling power either directly or through elected representatives, rule by the ruled.”

Currently we are told what to drive, how to cook our food, teach our children, and what drugs we have to put into our bodies. In short, you have to do things because our government knows what is best for you.

Some of our greatest inventions that have helped mankind have come from people in backyards, basements, and garages, and a host of other unlikely places.

The freedom to use what you want and to change and experiment solves problems. As Sam Walton said, “Our greatest ideas come from our workers.”

Democracy works from the bottom up, not from the top down. What we must ask ourselves is, “what is our definition of democracy? Or is it the result of freedom?

Michael A. Sprano

Reader: We must choose to stand for constitution

Trump for President!

He is the proven leader who will secure our border, repulse our adversaries, revitalize our economy, and keep America safe and strong.

We are at a historic crossroad where we must either choose to stand for our Constitution and its underlying traditional values which have made America great, or we continue down the path the current administration’s top leadership is taking into the deadly abyss of socialism and authoritarian cultural Marxism.

Frank Gardner

Voter expresses opinion on ballot questions 3 and 7

No on Ballot Question 3. This is the election scheme California adopted.

Do you want to copy it? The TV ads in favor of it are misleading. First, this initiative affects the general election too, not just the primary. Next, it does not help voters who registered as Independents.

With this initiative, Independent candidates may never make it past the primary to the general election like they do now.

Also, contrary to the ads, nobody is locked out currently. Anyone can change their affiliation prior to a primary election to vote for specific party candidates.

Lastly, the TV ads say our current system hurts veterans somehow. I’m a veteran and that’s just made-up nonsense. Vote NO on Question 3 and “rank choice voting”.

Yes on Ballot Question 7. This is a no-brainer. You need an ID to do most anything: get a job, see a doctor, get a bank account, cash a check, drive a car, get government benefits, rent or buy a house, take a training course, go to college, get a library card, buy alcohol or cigarettes, travel on a plane, check into a hotel, and other things.

The opponents of this initiative say it is “discriminatory” to require an ID to vote, but it’s OK to require an ID for everything else.

We’re not stupid. We know the opponents to this want to make it easier to cheat during elections. Vote YES on Question 7 for the fair elections the majority of us want.

Mike Burgan

Reader suggests we follow the money

Where have FEMA funds gone? Who is responsible for the hurricanes? Are illegal immigrants receiving FEMA money rather than hurricane survivors? Trump’s, Vance’s, Musk’s, Green’s …allegations should be investigated. Where are representatives when we need to get to the bottom of this? Let’s follow the money as quickly as possible and tell the American people the facts, as an old television program (Dragnet) used in its dialogue. “Just the facts, ma’am, we need the facts.

The first chapter of most science texts is the use of the scientific method in determining fact from fiction. First, as a scientist, you get rid of all preconceived notions, prejudices, and mindsets that may affect your judgment.

Secondly, you form a hypothesis, such as someone or some organization is creating hurricanes or FEMA has no money for hurricane relief because it was used up by migrants.

Thirdly, research and test your hypothesis. Use unbiased evidence and credible sources.

Lastly, can you or can you not make a conclusion if your hypothesis is true? If there is a high probability that your hypothesis is true then you accept your hypothesis with reservation or if there is a high probability of it being false then you reject it.

That is our dilemma, never has the American political system been so mired in uncertainty. Getting mixed messages, we need to un-bias ourselves, research all sources and make rational choices. Is Trump, Vance, Musk, Green… right. Maybe.

George Peretsky

Review-Journal endorsement: Nevada’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Steven Horsford, a Democrat, has held Nevada’s 4th Congressional District seat since 2018. Former state lawmaker and North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee hopes to flip the seat for Republicans.

Letters to the Editor

Many of my neighbors are asking for us to walk a signed petition and send it to the attorney general’s office for help.

EDITORIAL: Lithium fires a major roadway hazard

A fire that didn’t burn out was once considered a miracle. Now it’s a hazard faced by Nevada motorists.

Letters to the Editor

Nevada’s State Ballot Question 3 would establish a ranked-choice general election system.

EDITORIAL: Abortion rights are already protected in Nevada

Abortion rights are already codified in state law, thanks to overwhelming voter approval in 1990 of a referendum that legalized abortion through the first two trimesters.

Letters to the Editor

Voter worries about who is really running the country

Letters to the Editor

Protecting our desert home: Why solar is bad for us