Letters to the Editor
Drivers should inspect cars for safety’s sake often
As I was reading the Pahrump Valley Times and the story about traffic problems, it made me think of what drivers should do frequently before getting behind the wheel and what we were taught to do in driver’s education class in high school.
Do a walk-around of the vehicle, checking for low tires, lights that may have burned out, and once in a while have someone to help you look at operating the headlights on, turn signals, and most importantly, brake lights.
We all can play a part in keeping America beautiful by carrying in the car/truck, etc., a small shopping bag for trash. Remember back when the vehicles came with a trash bag? When you get home there is always a trash can where you can empty the one from your car and replace it for your next time out.
Now is a good time to thank the Nevada Highway Patrol for coming to the aid of the Nye County Sheriff’s Office in helping to control the speeders which are so prevalent in Pahrump and the obvious rolling stops at stop signs. We realize that the sheriff’s office has a shortage of officers and once the ‘newbies’ are graduated from the academy they seek positions somewhere else. This is a direct reflection on “management.”
Remember that elections will come again and possibly have someone more experienced and trained running for office that can put priorities on what is needed to educate the driving public that the signs for speed and traffic laws are there for a reason!
Warner Owens