Letters to the Editor
Reader looking forward to better days for country
The United States of America is faltering but still the best nation in the world. The home of the brave and free.
But folks, freedom isn’t free, it’s very expensive. You do have the right to choose the path to buy or earn freedom. Most people choose to work. They get to pay income tax, Social Security tax, and sometimes state income tax, union dues, and health costs. You need transportation to get to work. This requires vehicles and sales tax and registration every year, plus required insurance. You have sales tax on almost all items you purchase and taxes or fees on some services.
If you are fortunate to have enough money left to purchase a home, you get building fees. Then there are property taxes every year. You can’t do anything, acquire anything or go anywhere without the government sticking their nose into it.
A historian once said, “No one is safe while the Congress is in session.” Congress is there to make laws. Some are for protection but most are restrictions. They already have thousands and thousands of pages of restrictions. And this is just the private side. The business and capitalist side have even more taxes and restrictions. I’m not even going to mention the military here.
The U.S. government is the largest business in our country. It is the only business which is not audited or made accountable for its expenditures. Spending and giving your and my money away.
Trump has got a few hotshot politicians and execs that are crying out loud because they are scared or highly embarrassed by being caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
I’m a MAGA supporter and looking forward to better days.
Vern Jewett
Dems’ lack of compassion very disturbing to witness
I did not believe I would ever see such a bunch of people so sick with hate and disrespect by our Democrats at President Trump’s joint session of Congress. How can anyone be so sick with hatred that they would show no sympathy for a 13-year-old boy who had survived severe brain cancer, and many more victims that were in attendance. They were not even happy that illegal criminals are being deported. Nothing makes them happy about anything Trump is doing. The hate continues.
Why don’t these haters just use common sense (obviously they don’t have any) to see what Biden and his administration have done to this country: lying about the border, letting men compete in women’s sports, saying the economy is great, creating wars. I could go on and on. The biggest thing he has done is being incompetent, falling asleep in public, having someone show him where to go to get off a podium, spending many days on vacation.
I would say it is sad, but in other ways it is good because it shows that the Democrats show no compassion and are so full of hate for Trump. They don’t look at what is good for our country. A vast majority of people voted for the promises that Trump made and is following through with and the Democrats refuse to accept what the people want.
Bill Angle
Blame shared for failure of deal to end war in Ukraine
By now nearly everyone in the world has heard of or watched some video clips of the failed deal to stop the Ukraine War deal. With what’s been the narrative by many, many sources, it’s about 50/50 on the blame issue. Few of us saw the previous 30-plus minutes before the fireworks or are aware of the meeting Zelenskyy had with Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut earlier who admitted he advised Zelenskyy not to sign the agreement without a security guarantee. You know, like the guarantee of the “Trilateral Statement” signed in January 1994 between Russia, the USA, and Ukraine that “guaranteed their security” by surrendering all the nuclear weapons that were there when the USSR collapsed.
So why didn’t we do anything in 2014 when Russia violated it in 2014 taking over Crimea? While Biden was president and Russian troops were staging on the Ukraine border and was asked what would America do? Biden replied, “If it was a minor insurgency, maybe nothing”, which sounds much closer to an invitation, not a deterrent. But after Russia crossed the border Biden may have felt that by Hunter being employed by a Ukraine company there, that was enough to start sending aid to Ukraine.
The thing Trump fully understands, which the former comedian, now president of Ukraine, doesn’t know is, writing words on paper have little meaning without some form of “investment or consequences” by the signers.
By Zelenskyy having a real direct partnership with a big mean “junk-yard dog”, makes even those who haven’t signed but may have some interest in the deal, have second thoughts about alerting that “junk-yard dog.”
David Jaronik