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Letters to the Editor

Comfort is a breath of fresh air

I would like to comment on a picture and an article I read in the Wednesday, July 30th Pahrump Valley Times. It shows a picture of rancher Ray Kretsmer kneeling down and comforting Sue Fallini, a neighboring woman.

Gentlemen are not a thing of the past. I do not know either Ray or Sue, nor do I know anything about the case, except what I read in this article.

I just want to say the picture is wonderful! A breath of fresh air from the sad and bad things we usually see and read about.

Neighbors caring for neighbors. “AWESOME!”

Kudos to Mike Blasky! I presume you are the one who took this picture and wrote this article. Keep up the good work. We here in Pahrump need you!

Karen McDonald

A Pahrump resident since 1982

Editor’s note: Review-Journal reporter Mike Blasky wrote the story, Review-Journal photographer Jeff Scheid took the picture.

Thank you for worrying about the animals

I would like to publicly thank Fire Chief Scott Lewis and his firefighters who were responsible for obtaining oxygen masks for the animals of our community. Too many times our animals are a forgotten segment of society and I am so grateful that is not the case in Pahrump, thanks to the fire chief and his staff.

On behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves, please consider this letter a “BIG LICK IN THE FACE!”

Laraine Russo Harper

Is there a smoking gun?

I am disappointed that Mr. Davis has resorted to personal slurs with his comment, “while foaming at the mouth” in his response to an earlier article I wrote. Oftentimes Fox News does report the truth, but at other times they do allow untrue and slanted information to be broadcast.

For example, recently a young lady on Fox News interviewed Darrell Issa about his investigation of Lois Lerner, a former IRS official whom Issa has accused without proof that she was targeting conservative organizations for claiming tax exemptions because they were more about political causes than being charity organizations.

Not one single question was asked Issa for definitive proof, a smoking gun, despite the fact that Issa has spent millions of our tax dollars on investigations and hearings.

Issa does not have one single shred of evidence of wrongdoing by Lerner, yet Fox News let all the rabble by Issa to be broadcast without challenge. Character assignation without proof is yellow journalism. Apparently Davis loves this type of reporting.

Moreover, Davis mischaracterized my comment about Hitler. Hitler is a recent example of a whole nation gone awry because its citizens in overwhelming numbers believed and supported his propaganda. The Germans are intelligent people. The important thing to remember about Hitler is that we should all critically examine all information for the truth, regardless of the source.

Davis refers to me as a “tax and spend democrat,” a term Reagan coined. Sort of ironic because Reagan ran the national debt up higher than all the presidents combined, beginning with a 1 trillion debt and leaving us with a 3 trillion debt.

Why is spending money for food stamps to assist the poor and needy “tax and spend liberalism” while the two worst war criminals of the 21st century, Republicans George W. Bush and Dick Cheney (both conservatives) wasted 3 trillion of our tax dollars on a winless war in Iraq?

How can the Republicans be proud of 4,400 troops being killed in Iraq, notwithstanding countless others living with missing limbs and mental injuries? To add insult to injury, Iraq is a bigger threat to us now than when Bush and Cheney invaded it. I know, it’s all the democrats’ fault, we should have left our troops there even though Bush signed the agreement with Iraq to get them out.

What a disappointment it must be for the Republicans to realize after spending an untold amount of our tax dollars that the prized gifts of Lois Lerner and Benghazi will not be at the feet of their Christmas trees.

I ask Davis and his Republican allies to abide by our old American saying, “either put up or shut up.” Where is the smoking gun?

Jim Ferrell

Letters to the Editor

Basically, what they are doing is taking away what we have saved for the winter months and not compensating us for what they have taken from us.

Letters to the Editor

This is a follow-up letter congratulating reporter Selwyn Harris for a job well done.

EDITORIAL: The blue state blues

If blue states want to stop losing residents to red states, they should adopt red state policies.

Letters to the Editor

Vaccines have saved over 174,000 lives over the past 15 years.

Letters to the Editor

During this holiday season, I want to thank people who openly and publicly show kindness and caring to their elderly spouses and families because we all think of good times with our loved ones.

Letters to the Editor

Just when we all bask in relief that the march toward socialism will end.