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Letters to the Editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

Reader in agreement on Electoral College letter

I add my voice to Mr. Henry Hurlbut‘s letter to the editor printed in the Sept. 4th issue speaking to upholding the National Electoral College system for electing our presidents. At first glance, the one person one vote is rational for small applications such as clubs, churches and other focus groups, but the Electoral College becomes important in a national political situation when geography and population distribution is factored into the equation.

We citizens of Pahrump have two excellent examples: Nye County and the state of Nevada. Politically, Nye is dominated by the town of Pahrump, because it has a denser population than the remainder of Nye County. The cities of Las Vegas and Reno have denser populations and therefore politically dominate urban Nevada.

Nevada initially had one state senator per county, but in 1965 voting for state senators was changed to reflect population densities or districts. Nye County is now part of a north-to-south state Senate District 19 with our state senator residing in Elko. There are 21 senate districts in Nevada, merged into 16 counties and one independent city (Carson City).

As inferred by Mr. Hurlbut, it is important to understand the importance of how our government is organized before casting your vote.

Dwight W. Hunter

Here in this country, we have the freedom to riot

Where would you rioters be today if it weren’t for our forefathers who wrote our Constitution and many, many died or lost their possessions, (homes, children, slaves to work their fields or indentured servants to wash, clean and cook for their livelihood here in the new world?

How many countries even today have the freedoms we have – China, Cuba, North Korea, Islam nations, Russia or Mexico? None do. However there are many countries with lawlessness, like our rioters, that people who want to live in peace can’t and must fear for their lives every day, as people in Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, Baltimore, etc. are now doing. If you did this is Venezuela, Cuba or China you most likely would be in prison or in a coffin.

To try to destroy our nation by riots, looting, beating others, burning down businesses, shooting others, can only lead to a place like Lebanon, Mexico , or Venezuela.

You are being coerced into criminal behavior by the rich and people who would kill you the moment you stopped being their puppets and thought for yourselves. Wake up before you go too far and can’t stop.

Henry Hurlbut

One-size-fits-all health care will not work for everyone

People with disabilities are among the most vulnerable patients in our health care system. In many cases they require specialized care. That’s why forcing them into a one-size-fits-all, government-controlled health care system could have serious consequences for their quality of life.

Research shows that Medicare for All will put a significant strain on health care providers. As a result, short-term to specialized health care professionals will be difficult to find. Some patients may be forced to rely on generalists who may not have the knowledge or experience to treat these unique medical needs, or be forced to wait longer or travel long distances to receive proper care.

Our current health care system, although far from perfect, compartmentalizes people by design through the plans they have. Plans such as HMOs, PPOs along with different levels of deductibles and networks, etc. and allows states to improve disability services where and when needed. This is about access. In my opinion a Medicare for All type of health care system will severely curtail access for our community. It can create a situation where those whom most in need of care, especially those who need to see specialists will have limited access to them simply because the system is overwhelmed. We should focus on policies that maintain and strengthen the quality of coverage provided by the free market and public programs working hand-in-hand, not on policies that would push every American – regardless of their specific needs – into a single, one-size-fits-all system run by politicians.

Americans with disabilities deserve access to affordable, high-quality health coverage and care, especially during this critical time. We should build on and improve what’s working where private coverage, Medicare, and Medicaid work together to expand access to coverage and care – not start over with a government-controlled system.

Mike Corso

president of disABLEDperson Inc.

EDITORIAL: Regulatory thicket will dog victims of California fires

If Gov. Newsom wants to facilitate reconstruction, he might also request technical help from those running states and municipalities who actually know how to encourage development rather than relying on those expert in killing it.

Letters to the Editor

I am proud of the role RPEN – Retired Public Employees of Nevada – had to congressional bill H.R. 82

Letters to the Editor

Hope all Nye County residents are going to enjoy your gift from the BOCC. You say, “what gift?” Your stocking contained the ever-not-desirable solar fields.

Letters to the Editor

Basically, what they are doing is taking away what we have saved for the winter months and not compensating us for what they have taken from us.

Letters to the Editor

This is a follow-up letter congratulating reporter Selwyn Harris for a job well done.

EDITORIAL: The blue state blues

If blue states want to stop losing residents to red states, they should adopt red state policies.