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Letters to the Editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

Electoral college formed for less populated states

Ms. CJ Stevens’ PVT letter on 9/18 seems obsessed with accuracy, at least the parts that support her point of view.

The reason we have an ‘Electoral College’ historically speaking was that the small populated states at our founding were concerned that they would essentially end up under the rule of the largely populated states. It was a compromise that without the “United States of America” would have quickly ended. It may not be perfect, like everything else man has ever devised, but to date, there has been nothing better to replace its purpose, which was the protection of minority populations and this must be viewed through the 18th-century lens, not a 21st-century one.

Today, if the Electoral College was dissolved, anyone running for national office, would waste time and money in small populated states, five or six largely populated states would hold all the power, just maybe add a few large cities to woe and the hell with that farmer on the plains.

Also, CJ, we are not a democracy, we are a democratic-republic, which Ben Franklin described democracy as “two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for lunch. Maybe our biggest problem today is we’ve steadily and for a long time gotten away from our original founding intent, which was to only give the centralized government limited enumerated powers while most of the powers that affected the people most directly would be as local as possible.

We can argue intentions of this fact, but no question, our centralized government is and has been growing for some time with few interruptions. I for one would rather have that politician that has the most power over my life have to maybe see me and get to know locally, not just hide in some protected ivory tower far away. And yes, I know there are some exceptions, like military service — been there.

David Jaronik

Nevada already is becoming like California

Tim Burke’s weekly ruminations entitled, “Will America be the next great civilization to fall?” pretty much misses the real point. It has already fallen.

Proof is in the headlines he cited of the mayhem and violence of the left-leaning snowflakes. They are a product of the Marxist education system we have installed, funded, and allowed to flourish. Most devastating of all, they have elected into office a cadre of small-minded, arrogant, narcissistic politicians who do nothing to maintain law and order, let alone civility. Worse, they condone and provoke the violence, and unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about it.

Often I hear someone say we are getting more like California every day: Traffic congestion and the ensuing road rage, killings reported almost every day, higher and higher taxes – you pick the analogy. But like Mr. Burke, these someones, too, have missed the real point: We are already exactly like California.

David Perlman

California shifts blame from themselves for wildfires

Let’s see if I have this right, ‘Freddie the Firestomper’ has been stamping out wildfires for 70-plus years (ever since I can remember). That’s all we heard, “Stamp out wildfires (forest fires)”. Every season more and more fuel built up.

Then, about 20 or so years ago, Yellowstone Park started burning. Boy did it ever burn. They had not had a fire large enough to burn off the fuel build-up for about 50 years. When the fire got started, really burning, all of Yellowstone Park, was in jeopardy of being lost completely to the fire. It was realized by then that controlled burns were required to reduce the possibility of another fire getting out of control. Do Californians remember the Yellowstone fire? Of course not, they would rather blame it on Trump, or ‘global cooling, global warming or global change’, anything but their own ignorance. Santa Barbara boasted that they had not had a wildfire in 50 years, and when they did have a wildfire, they almost lost Santa Barbara.

When the embers cool, Californians will step right in and rebuild the area so that it is exactly the same as it was prior to the devastation. It is very difficult to have a lot of sympathy for those that repeatedly, year after year, fire after fire lose everything they own, and then point their fingers of guilt to someone else (Trump), then demand that taxpayers must step in and bail them out again.

Because of Californians’ ignorance, we in Nevada must suffer from the intense smoke inhalation. We are not compensated by Californians for the damage they have done to our health. Let’s never forget, Californians are at the head of the parade for “cleaner environment’, ‘but for me, not thee’.

Sisolak should be instituting legal action against California for allowing smoke to cross our border. Always remember - California passed a law forbidding smoke to cross property lines, about 15 - 20 years ago. They are at the forefront of a pure environment’, but only when it is advantageous for Californians. Remember this the next time you are required to seek medical care for the inhalation of smoke, from California. They are genuine hypocrites.

Wayne Brotherton

Proposed event deflates chamber’s balloon fest plans?

I found it quite amusing that the Pahrump Valley Chamber of Commerce would argue against the proposed Pahrump Valley Days event planned for February, 2021 just because it is within five weeks of the Chamber’s Balloon Festival.

A primary function of a Chamber of Commerce is to support and promote businesses, and yet, they chose to voice their disapproval of the new community event which they viewed as competition for attendance and revenue. Where is the irony in that?

Olive Ashwell

Current America shows similarities to historical regimes

According to news clips regarding Bob Woodward’s new book, in a recorded interview, Donald Trump revealed that very early in 2020 he was made aware of certain facts regarding the coronavirus,and chose to withhold that information, fearing a national panic. Well, the cat has definitely gotten out of the bag since then and while there is concern, disappointment and much suffering, we haven’t seen any clear evidence of panic. The most recent proclamation from the White House is: “We’re rounding the corner.” Okay. Ridicule me to your heart’s content Mr. President, but until more positive developments are at hand, I’m keeping my mask within easy reach.

No matter what we feel, unless every news network, including FOX, is feeding us a colossal lie, the terrible reality is that nearly two hundred thousand people in America have already died as a result of the pandemic. And many are left to wonder if we had been better informed earlier on, would the continuing deaths and infections have reached their current level? We hear from Canada that they recently passed 24 hours without a single death. Having a population of 40 million, maybe we could learn a thing or two from our northern neighbor.

Other contributors to the Pahrump Valley Times Voices page have made the point that this isn’t the America many of us grew up in. Indeed, it isn’t. But, it certainly is the one we must contend with. And for good or ill, those we’ve elected to represent our best interests will continue making critical judgments and decisions that directly impact our lives.

In this connection, I would remind a recent contributor that the Nazi regime held sway in Germany for about 13 years. The German people were persuaded to believe that their leader had everything figured out and their future was shining brightly. If you carefully consider all that has transpired (word and deed) since the current administration came to be in our nation’s capital, you just might recognize various similarities to what occurred in Germany in the 1930s… Oh yes. In reference to JFK’s predecessor, prior to being elected president, Dwight Eisenhower was commander-in-chief of allied forces Europe, which defeated Hitler and company. Among his final words before leaving the White House, Eisenhower cautioned Americans: “Beware of the military industrial complex.”

Too bad his successors, Democrat and Republican, did not heed that advice. If they had, many thousands of American lives might not have been wasted, along with untold billions in the U.S. Treasury.

It’s worth keeping in mind that people believe what they wish to believe, whether or not supported by the facts. I want leaders who not only know how to manipulate economic strategies, but who also possess a moral compass. Leaders who grasp that “A house divided, cannot stand.”

Ralph Bazan

Letters to the Editor

President Johnson previously held the record for pardons, with about 7,000. Joe Biden broke that record with over 8,000 pardons.

EDITORIAL: Regulatory thicket will dog victims of California fires

If Gov. Newsom wants to facilitate reconstruction, he might also request technical help from those running states and municipalities who actually know how to encourage development rather than relying on those expert in killing it.

Letters to the Editor

I am proud of the role RPEN – Retired Public Employees of Nevada – had to congressional bill H.R. 82

Letters to the Editor

Hope all Nye County residents are going to enjoy your gift from the BOCC. You say, “what gift?” Your stocking contained the ever-not-desirable solar fields.

Letters to the Editor

Basically, what they are doing is taking away what we have saved for the winter months and not compensating us for what they have taken from us.

Letters to the Editor

This is a follow-up letter congratulating reporter Selwyn Harris for a job well done.