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Sisolak announces cloud-training collaboration between Amazon, schools

The partnership will make Nevada one of the first states in the country to announce a collaboration between Amazon Web Services and K-12, higher education, and government workforce agencies.

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Letters to the Editor

Recent letter on the confiscation of guns spurs response from reader

Thomas Knapp: About that ‘rules-based international order’

The Biden administration has taken to frequently asserting its intention to return — versus the Trump administration’s departure therefrom — to something called a “rules-based international order.”

Letters to the Editor

Reader states mural not good use of taxpayer money

TIM BURKE: Chaotic election another example of year gone wrong

The 2020 election was this Tuesday, and it followed the same script as the rest of 2020, chaotic and unpredictable. It could be weeks before the actual winner is declared. On a positive note, this election saw a record number of voters cast their ballots.

THOMAS KNAPP: Afghanistan Bounties: Pot, Meet Kettle (and Turn Off the Stove!)

“These are anarchists, these are not protesters,” President Donald Trump said on July 20th, defending his decision to unleash Department of Homeland Security hooligans on anti-police-violence demonstrators in Portland. Anarchist-bashing — referring to “radical-left anarchists” in Minneapolis, “ugly anarchists” in Seattle, etc. — has become a consistent Trump campaign theme since May.

CHUCK BAKER: Land, Land, but not an inch to spare

“Don’t Fence Me In” was a popular song in the 1940s. Some might say it could be today’s theme song for Nellis AFB. Between all the land held in Nevada by the local air base and the Bureau of Land Management, it appears that control over boundaries and borders will be with Silver State entities for quite some time. And not just in the south.

Tim Burke: How to make your brain AND your body happy

Somewhere between that third helping of pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving and that prime rib with potatoes and gravy from New Year’s Eve, the average American will gain anywhere from as little as one pound to as much as five pounds over the holidays.